The information provided on this page is for classroom use only; not for publication. 2001
Coordinating Units:
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
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Bear Books
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? ~
Bill Martin, Jr.
* Corduroy video
Grizzly Bear Grows Up ~ Pearl Wolf
Bear Stays Up For Christmas ~ Karma Wilson
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Make matching activities by buying bear shape notepads and programming them with the skills that you're working on. For instance, I bought some large bear shapes and some small bear shapes that match. On the large bears I put capital letters and on the small ones I put lowercase letters. Laminate. The students match the capital to lowercase letters (the mama bear to the baby bear). I also program the big bear with dots (use the eraser of a new pencils and an ink pad) and the little bear with a number 1 - 20. The students count the dots and match it to the correct number. You can also make matching activities using rhyming words, compound words, dots to number words, colors to color words, etc |
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Carson-Dellosa makes a Big School Bear that you can purchase that coordinates with this unit. It has a 46” tall bear and 30 red apples. I used it at the beginning of this year on my door when we did our Apple Unit. |
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There’s a bear pattern that can be dressed in the Oct/Nov 1997 Kindergarten edition of The Mailbox if you have access to back issues. This would be a good activity to be used as a Take-Home Activity. The students and their families could show their creativity by dressing the bear and returning it to school to be displayed in the classroom or in the hallway. |
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Have students bring their favorite teddy bear and graph them by size, color, or gender. |
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Use teddy bear counters in Math activities and for graphing. Students can graph them by color individually. Provide them with a handful of bears and a graphing form with the appropriate color words already in place. The students graph the color bears that they received, then share their graphs with the class. |
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Have students estimate how many teddy bear counters, Teddy Grahams, or gummy bears are in a jar. |
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Have the students generate information for a KWL chart (what they Know, what they Want to know, and what they Learned) before beginning your bear unit. |
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Help the students to research and compile a list of Bear Facts including what they like to eat, where they live, and how they get ready for the winter. |
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Compare and contrast different kinds of bears such as the black bear, the grizzly bear, and the polar bear. |
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Another Take-Home activity could be having the students to create a cave. If you’re the industrious type, you might want to create a cave in your classroom to be used in your Reading Center. If it was too dark inside to see to read, you could provide a flashlight or two. That would almost guarantee that the Reading Center would be the most popular center in the room! |
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As I was typing the poem above, I realized that it would go almost perfectly to the tune of Brother John. Try it ...
Bears Are Sleeping |
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Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (do actions as rhyme indicates) Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around, Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground. Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high. Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the sky. Teddy bear, teddy bear, bend down low, Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your toe. ~ Author Unknown |
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Math Activity: Photocopy beehives onto yellow construction paper and program them with a number. Laminate. The students will count out the correct number of mini bee erasers and place them on the hives. |
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One of the Ellison die-cuts is of a bear and when you cut him out, it cuts out an oval in his tummy. Use this die-cut and cut out one bear from colored construction paper for each color that you work on. On the ovals that come from the bear's tummy, write a color word, but do not put the color word on the matching color of paper. For instance, do not write the word "red" on the red oval. Laminate. The students will match the color words with the correct color bear. |
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Use a bear die-cut and cut out different color bears. (If you laminate the construction paper first, then cut them out with the die-cut, it will save you lots of cutting!) The students will use the bear cutouts to create patterns either in a pocketchart, on a table, or the floor. They create AB patterns such as pink, purple, pink, purple, or ABC patterns such as red, white, black or AAB patterns such as green, green, blue, etc. |
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If possible, obtain a honeycomb (sometimes you can buy honey still in the comb) for your students to observe up close. Provide honey and crackers as a snack. |
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Cinnamon Bear Biscuits: Each student should be provided with an unbaked canned biscuit and a small piece of aluminum foil with their name written on it with a Sharpie marker. The student will tear the biscuit dough into 6 pieces and form a bear's head, body, arms, and legs. Sprinkle the bear with cinnamon and bake according to the package directions. |
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Bear Story
Starters: Provide each student with a honey pot shaped booklet with
blank pages or a sheet of writing paper shaped like a honey pot.
Provide the students with one of the following story starters to choose
from. They will write or dictate a story according to the starter
they chose.
* Today, a bear rode my bus to school and ... |
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Give each student a bear cutout programmed with either a word, letter, or number. The students will line up sequentially according to what's on their bear. If they have a word, they'll line up in ABC order. This can be used for counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s as well, or even in forming a very long pattern. In that case, you'd only give out colored bears (no numbers, etc. on them). |
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Bulletin Board Captions: * A "Beary" Exciting Year! * A "Honey" of a Good Year/Class! * A "Beary" Wonderful Class! * We're "Beary" Proud of ... * "Bear" Necessities for ... * "Bear" Facts ... |
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Teddy Bear Cakes: Spread rice cakes (if you can still find them) with peanut butter or you an use a big round cookie. Use raisins and cheerios for facial features. Small mini pretzels make great teddy bear ears. |
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Read The Teddy Bears' Picnic (listen to the song) and have a Teddy Bear's Picnic. Have students bring their teddy bears from home for the picnic. This would be a great time to sample all those bear and honey snacks! (Teddy Grahams, gummy bears, etc.) While the bears are there, have the students make a bear headband for themselves and their bears. They can wear them while the students are reading to their bears. |
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Bear's Spend the Night Party: On the day of the picnic the bears can just stay for a spend the night party. The children can put bears to bed in their cubbies or somewhere else appropriate before they leave to go home. The bears are told to "be good and stay in bed until morning". After the children leave, put the bears around the classroom doing different activities like coloring, reading, building with blocks, etc. The children can tell, draw, and write about what they found their bear doing when they came in the next day. |
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Teddy Bear Parade: Read "The Best Loved Bear" by Diana Noonan. It is about a Best Loved Bear contest that is held in a classroom. Then have a Teddy Bear Parade by having the students parade their bear around, while a "judge" judges all the bears. You can give ribbons to the biggest, fuzziest, best dressed, cutest, etc. Everyone gets a ribbon for something. |
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Class book idea: "Little Bear, Little Bear Up in the Tree" The beginning text would begin with "Little Bear, Little Bear up in the tree. Little bear, little bear what do you see?" Add other pages of animals the bear might see in the forest, or zoo, or toy shelf, or wherever the class decides the bear is. |
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Bucklebear activity kit... "Riding With Bucklebear" Weiner/Seaman Productions 1505 Winchester Ave. Glendale, Ca. 91201 Bucklebear says I like my seatbelt Nice and snug Across my hips Like a bear hug... I make it click So the driver will know I'm buckled up And ready to go! |
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Jamberry Activities: Have a jam tasting party with the four berry flavors listed in the book and Ritz crackers. Have students draw their favorite berry and make a class graph. |
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Brown Bear, Brown Bear Activities: Do a rewrite or innovation of the book with your class such as "Children, Children, What Do You See?" Have students graph their favorite Brown Bear character. |
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Polar Bear, Polar Bear activities: Make a polar bear painting. You will need a sheet of white paper and a white bear cutout for each student. Glue the cut out to the paper with ONE drop of glue. Then sponge paint around the edge of the cut out bear to the edge of the paper. Let dry. Peel off the bear cutout and you should have a white bear shape on the page. Children can add a face with black crayon. |
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Polar Bear activities: Discuss why polar bears are white and where they live, then try this camouflage activity. Use colored toothpicks and scatter them in the grass. Give the children a short time to pick up as many as they can. Graph the results. Why are there fewer green ones??? |
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"The Bear" book: Provide each student with their own copy of "The Bear" book for them to read and color. Each page will contain one of the following sentences and a simple picture for the students to color. Text: See my ears. See my eyes. See my nose. See my paws. See my claws. See my fur. See my underwear. See this bear in underwear. ~ Author Unknown |
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Hibernation: In the late fall the children paint a styrofoam cup brown for the cave. Then color a sleeping bear and put inside the cup. Then tape the cave shut with a gray piece of paper for a rock. Have them place the cups on a shelf somewhere out of the way as they'll be there a while. Later when the children are gone, open the cups and place a baby bear into the cup with the sleeping bear and tape it shut again. In early spring the children will open the caves and find that the bear now has a baby! |
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Center Activity: Make small, medium ,and large bear cutouts. On the large one put a capital letter, on the medium a picture that begins with that letter, and on the small one the lower case version of the letter. Laminate. Students match these up as a center. |
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Letter B: Cut out a Brown Bear and glue him/her on Blue paper, then add a Band aid, Buttons, Black Beans (for eyes) and a Bow or a Bandana on its head or around its neck. Then your class can write a class book of how their bear got hurt (the reason for the band aid for their Boo Boo!) |
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Bear Biscuits 10 - oz. tube refrigerated biscuits raisins maraschino cherries honey Separate biscuits. Cut three biscuits into 1/8's. Leave six whole. For each bear biscuit, roll three of the small pieces into balls for the two ears and the nose. Firmly press them onto the face. Press in raisins for eyes and nose. Add 1/4 maraschino cherry to each ear. Bake on a cookie sheet for 8 - 10 minutes at 400 degrees until golden brown. Enjoy with honey, of course! |
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Three Bears With a Beat Rap |
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Nametags: Printable nametags ... or they can even be used for sight
word or vocabulary cards! :)
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ABC Cards: Printable ABC cards that can be used as small group flashcards
or as matching cards. I'm going to use them for both. Print on
cardstock and laminate.
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Number Cards: Printable number cards to use for flashcards or to sequence.
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ABC Cards: Printable ABC cards
that can be used as small group flashcards or as matching cards.
Print on cardstock and laminate. If you want them, print NOW.
They may not be here when you come back. The files are HUGE, so I
may not leave them on the site very long.
*Thanks to Shari for allowing me to use her cute graphics!*
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Number line : Printable number lines to use with those students who
just can't remember what that number looks like that they need, but they
have good one-to-one correspondence.
We teach them to count down the number line to find the number they need.
Print on cardstock and laminate.
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Shape Sheets: These
printable shape sheets can be used as tracing practice activity sheets if
printed on regular paper OR if printed on cardstock and laminated they can
be used in a center or work station with a Vis-a-via pen as a reusable
tracing mats. OR they can be used as an assessment tool to assess
whether or not students can trace shapes and then afterwards cut them out
(MS benchmark objectives).
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Number Writing
Practice: Print the page below and cut in half to use for practice.
Flip over to the back and have them write without the model as a short
assessment of who still needs more practice.
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How Many Bears?
book: Print the book below for each student and have them glue the
appropriate number and color of Ellison cut-out mini bears on each page.
If you'd prefer, you can have them draw and color their own bears using
circles. We try to do a page a day and we read the text in the book
up to the page that we're working on for the day. We're going to
decorate the cover using the left over bears.
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Bear Print Snack:
Cover a graham cracker with white frosting or cream cheese, then add a
chocolate covered cookie. We used a fudge striped cookie turned
upside-down. Add 5 chocolate chips for toes. This was my model
that I did for the children. Unfortunately, when I started taking
pictures of theirs, the batteries in my camera went dead. :(
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Bears Literature
Pocket: I created a Literature Pocket for each student so they'd
have something to carry all their neat stuff home in. I used clipart
from the 'net and a 9x18 (I think) piece of construction paper to create
the pocket. Inside the pocket they had 3 emergent readers (The Bear,
How Many Bears?, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear), Brown Bear stick puppets,
sequencing pictures for The 3 Bears, The 3 Bears picture book, Brown Bear
pattern strip, 2 quilt squares from Brown Bear, What's In Bear's Basket
picture book, Brown Bear graph and their name bear.
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Color Bears book:
I think this idea was shared on the 'net many years ago. Use
different color Ellison die-cut bears to create an emergent reader.
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You are thinker, organizer, peacekeeper, and leader all in one. You have a power to command attention and people listen to you. However, you are often so concerned about not hurting others' feelings that you don't tell them what they need to hear and this gets you both into trouble. But you always have loyal friends to help you out. |
Tenderheart Bear |
Which Care Bear are you? Quiz: