This unit
is like so many others, once you get started planning for it,
you realize all the different directions it can take you.
If you're interested in having a Teddy Bear Picnic, you can
include bears in the unit; you can include watermelons, ants,
insects, bees, the 4 food groups, or places you could go to
picnic such as the park, the zoo, the beach, etc.
So I hope you enjoy this unit and have some FUN! How
could you not?
Boards & Displays
In Your Picnic Basket? - I recently purchased a
couple of very thin plastic red and white checked tablecloths
at Wal-Mart for $1 each. They're made by Dixie.
I'm going to use them as the background for my bulletin board.
I'm going to make the border myself using white napkins folded
into triangles and red plastic spoons and forks. I'm
going to staple the napkins around the edge of the bulletin
board with the long side of the napkin to the edge (point to
point). Then across the open spaces between the napkins,
I'm going to hotglue the spoons and forks in some, as of now,
undetermined design. Inside this border I'll have a
large cut-out picnic basket and red paper plates, red plastic
forks/spoons, white napkins, etc., and have the children make large ants from
cardboard egg cartons (see Creation Station below for
directions). These will be scattered around our picnic
site. I'll have the children take a plate and cut out 3
things from magazines that they'd like to take on a picnic
to eat and glue these on their plate. We can also make
watermelon slices from paper
plates and add them around the picnic site as well. When
I actually get this done, I'll post a picture.
click on
image to enlarge
8.4.04 The
bulletin board turned out precious!!! Can't wait to see
the ants up there!
alternative to making the egg carton ants would be to make a
TLC style ant or an ant
from an
Board captions:
level) was a picnic!
level) is a picnic!
You will
have a picnic in (grade level)!
This year
will be a picnic!
You can
use these words along with pictures for a Thematic Word Wall.
The Old MacDonald's Farm page has a
good example of a Thematic Word Wall if you're not familiar
with them. You may notice that I only put singular nouns
the majority of the time. We use this to
introduce/discuss/reinforce making words plural by adding s
(most of the time, or whatever is necessary).
picnic |
basket |
food |
blanket |
tablecloth |
ant |
chicken |
sandwich |
cookie |
juice |
ice |
mother |
father |
brother |
sister |
baby |
grass |
hamburger |
grill |
hotdog |
sun |
swing |
baseball |
chips |
pickle |
napkin |
spoon |
fork |
knife |
plate |
cup |
brownies |
potato salad |
cooler |
Coke |
tree |
playground |
beach |
park |
meadow |
flower |
bee |
butterfly |
fly |
bug |
cricket |
grasshopper |
caterpillar |
net |
worm |
lake |
pond |
run |
tan |
sunglasses |
hat |
watermelon |
red |
white |
green |
sky |
blue |
yellow |
zoo |
starting Work Stations (from Debbie Diller's book, Literacy
Work Stations) this year and I'd like to have at least one
theme related activity in each station. I've talked with
other teachers who are going to do this as well. So now
I need to plan for this in my units to aid in preparing my
lesson plans. As you can see, I've still got some "holes
in the plan", so if you have any suggestions for those areas
for this theme, send me an email with your idea. The
email icon is at the bottom of the page. Have ideas
about something else? Send me an email! :) I love
to get email from the visitors.
Book Station -
teacher-made emergent readers to make Big Books:
For a Picnic, and
The Ants
Go Marching
Station -
*provide a blanket
or tablecloth, picnic basket, paper plates, plastic
cups, forks, spoons, paper napkins, plastic ants, pretend
food, and stuffed
bears for students to use in retelling or creating their own
picnic stories
a picnic basket and food items for the flannelboard
"wiggly boppers" or student-made antenna headbands for
students to pretend they're in an ant colony
basket picture cards with either capital or lowercase letters
for students to sequence
picnic basket picture cards programmed with capital letters and food
picture cards programmed with lowercase letters.
Students will match capital to lowercase letters or sequence
letters. I made these on the computer, printed on
cardstock and laminated.
small colored paperplates with a capital letter Ellison
cut-out and program color coordinating plastic Solo cups with
a lowercase Ellison cut-out. Students will match capital
to lowercase letters or sequence letters.
plastic forks with capital letters and spoons with lowercase
letters using colorful Sharpies. Students match capital
to lowercase letters or sequence letters.
picnic basket picture cards with beginning sound letters.
Provide food picture cards for students to match to the
correct beginning sound. (a=apple, b=banana, c=corn, d=donut,
e=egg, f= _, g=_, h=hamburger, i=_, j=Jello, k=Kit Kats,
l=lemonade, m=milk, n=noodles, o=orange (?), p=pickle, q=_,
r=raisins, s=sandwich, t=tea, u=_, v=vegetables, w=_, y=yam,
z=Zebras (Little Debbie snack cake)
a basket with the letter P and have students sort pretend food
items or food picture cards into the basket if they begin with
the /p/ sound.
Match: match pictures of: sandwich, basket, napkin, cookies,
pickle, watermelon, fork, juice box, lemonade, hamburger to
correct beginning sound card programmed on ant picture card.
basket picture cards with capital letter and sandwich picture
cards with lowercase letters for students to match
sandwich picture cards in halves or quarters and program each
piece with a capital or lowercase letter for students to match
Letter A: provide each student with a large A and have them
make fingerprints on it, then add legs to make ants.
Study Station -
picnic vocabulary words on sentence strips and have students
make the words on the sentence strip using magnetic letters
(the sentence strips can be placed on a table or on a magnetic
Match - match pictures of blanket, chips, spoon, glass,
grapes, chicken to correct beginning sound programmed on ant
picture card
Order - program picture cards with the correct word for
students to sequence in ABC order. Picture cards/words;
use list from ABC Station. ABC order can consist of
providing the alphabet and letting students categorize the
words according to first letter, or actually putting the words
in ABC order according to their first or second letter using
their working knowledge of the ABC sequence.
Words - have students match cups programmed with color words
to the appropriate color colored plate.
click on image to enlarge
sandwich picture cards cut in half for matching up compound
words [hot][dog], rhyming words, synonyms, antonyms, etc.
Overhead Station -
transparency for
The Ants
Go Marching and have students practice reading with a
pointer and circling their sight words with a Vis-a-Via pen
*"Ants On
A Picnic" poem
Pocketcharts Station -
for The
Ants Go Marching with matching word cards so that students
may read the text and match the word cards to the words in the
On A Picnic
Ants on a
Ants on a
Ants on
Ants on
~ Author
1 ant, 2
ants, 3 and 4,
Our picnic
is their grocery store.
5 ants, 6
ants, 7 ants, 8,
They are
crawling on my plate!
8 ants, 7
6 ants, 5
On the
4 ants, 3
On the
2 ants, 1
No more
~ Authur
Note: you
can also change the numbers in the poem to number words to
reinforce a different skill
Ant Hill
Once I saw
an ant hill (hold hands in fist)
With no
ants about. (shake head)
So I said,
"Dear little ants, (look at fist)
Won't you
please come out?"
Then as if
the ants
Had heard
my call, (hold hands to ear)
One, two,
three, four, five came out, (hold fingers up one at a
And that
was all. (close fist again)
~ Author
Creation Station -
ant from
egg carton ant: Each student will need 3 attached "cups" of a
cardboard egg carton to represent the ants 3 body parts -
head, abdomen, thorax.. They will paint the carton black
(or you could use dark brown or dark reddish brown) and then
add black pipecleaners for antennae and wiggly eyes.
Basket: create a picnic basket to use for snack time, as a
story prop, or a story bit. Provide each student with a
strawberry basket, a brown pipecleaner, and strips of pre-cut
brown paper. Attach the pipecleaner to the top of the
basket for a handle. Students will use the brown paper
to weave in and out of the holes of the basket.
After the basket is completed, you can add a paper napkin and
a few cookies as a snack.
Use plastic spoons, forks, knives to create bookmarks.
Ribbon can be tied around the handle, faces added with Sharpie
markers or paint pens, hair using yarn, twine, raffia, etc.
The kids can just let their imaginations go wild!
*Placemats: these placemats will make cute keepsakes if
laminated. Provide each student with a white piece of
construction paper that has been divided into squares using a
blackline grid. Students will create an AB pattern on
the grid using a red Bingo stamper. The finished result
should look similar to a red and white checked tablecloth.
Students will then use their fingerprints and a black stamp
pad to create ants on the tablecloth. Their thumbprint
is done first for the thorax, then attached to that print they
will place their index fingerprint for the abdomen, and then
their pinky fingerprint for the head. Then they'll use a
fine point black marker or pen to make two antennae on the
head, and three legs protruding from the abdomen on each side
of the body. If done on a very large scale and whole
class worked on one cloth, this could be used as a background
for a bulletin board.
*Headbands: make ant headbands from brown strips of
construction paper and brown or black pipecleaners. Fit
construction paper strips to head and staple. Glue or
staple on two pipecleaners that have been curled on the end.
is provided a picture of an ant hill on construction paper or
they may draw their own. They will color and cut out the
ant hill, then cover it with glue and sprinkle sand on it.
Before the sand dries, they should take a straw and tunnel
away some of the sand, creating "ant tunnels." Glue on
plastic ants.
students with a basket copied onto construction paper or
cardstock. The student will color and cut out the basket, cut
pictures from a magazine of food items they would like to
"pack in their basket". Then they are to glue the
pictures onto the basket.
Station -
a picture of an ant hill or picnic site and add fingerprint
ants. Write about the picture.
*Letter A
handwriting sheet
*Letter P
handwriting sheet
Listening Station -
Ant Bully - John Nickle
Station -
books will be read to the students prior to being placed in
the Reading Station for them to read and explore. Add a
blanket or tablecloth, sunglasses with lens removed, and place
books in a picnic basket to add a "picnic ambiance" to this
station. I do not own all these books. This
is just a list of possibilities for the unit.
I Can't
Said the Ant - Polly Cameron
Hundred Hungry Ants - Elinor J. Pinczes
Two Bad
Ants - Chris Van Allsburg
Ant Cities
- Authur Dorros
Farm - Christine Morton
The Picnic
- Ruth Brown
Up the
Ladder, Down the Slide - Betsy Everitt
Hey, Little Ant ~ Phillip and Hannah Hoose
Ants Are Fun b ~ Mildred Myrick
The Little Ant ~ David Novak
Who Can't Follow an Ant? ~ Michael Pellowski
Armies of Ants
Walter Retan
The Ants Go Marching ~ Jeffrey Scherer
Are You An Ant? ~
Judy Allen
Ant (Bug
Book) ~ Karen Hartley
The Ant and the Elephant ~ Bill Peet
The 512 Ants on Sullivan Street ~ Carol A. Losi
If I Were an Ant ~ Amy Moses
Inside an Ant Colony ~ Allan Fowler
The Little Red Ant and the Great Big Crumb
A Remainder of One ~ Elinor Pinczes
The World of Ants ~ Melvin Berger
The Giant
Jam Sandwich ~ John Vernon Lloyd
Mimi and
the Picnic ~ Martin Waddell
Teddy Bear's Picnic ~ Jimmy Kennedy
The Bear
Pack A
Picnic (CTP)
Nursery Rhyme Picnic (Wright Group)
Box Station - teacher-made emergent readers:
For a Picnic, and
The Ants
Go Marching
Tub Station -
Discovery Station -
hill with live ants (purchased); students can observe and
write or draw about their observations
Computer Station -
Puzzles/Games Station -
Memory Match: I made this game on the computer, printed on
cardstock and laminated.
Motor -
an ant picture
*color "Aa
is for Ant"
& Poems
Lemons and
Lemons and
Sour and sweet.
Look who's sitting in this
Kindergarten seat.
Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
Jacqueline Margraf
River School
River, NY
Tangy and
Who's in
the class
For us to
~ Mary
*the poems
above were written as an introduction to their kindergarten
Stole the Sandwiches From the Picnic Basket?
use the
format from Who Stole the Cookies From the Cookie Jar --- I
can never remember the words, so if you'd like to share .. :)
for breakfast,
for lunch.
All in a
You can
eat'em with mustard.
You can
eat'em with cheese.
You can
Any way
you please.
from the bar-b-q.
from the pot.
cold, or
standing up,
Or down on
your knees.
Please! Please!
~ Author
Live Here
Ants live
By the
curb side,
They worry
a lot
giants like
~ Author
Ants Go Marching In
put the class in a large circle. Have them march around
in the circle as they sing. Older students can divide up
into groups like the song as they sing along (marching two by
two, three x three, etc.) The person(s) who can't get
into a group sits out. For instance if they're walking
three x three, all groups must have exactly 3 people.
Extras have to sit.
The ants
came marching two by two. Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants
came marching two by two. Hurrah! Hurrah!
The little
one stopped to tie his shoe.
They all
go marching down, around, the town.
boom, boom.
- continue
singing the same verse, but change it to:
The ants
came marching three by three
The little
one stopped to climb a tree.
The ants
came marching four by four
The little
one stopped to shut the door.
The ants
came marching five by five
The little
one stopped to take a dive.
The ants
came marching six by six
The little
one stopped to pick up sticks.
The ants
came marching seven by seven
The little
one stopped to go to heaven.
The ants
came marching eight by eight
The little
one stopped to shut the gate.
The ants
came marching nine by nine
The little
one stopped to scratch his spine.
The ants
came marching ten by ten
The little
one stopped to say THE END!
~ Author
Here's a
different version of the same song ....
Ants Go Marching
The ants go marching one by one,
Hoorah, hoorah!
The ants go marching one by one,
Hoorah, hoorah!
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb.
And they all go marching,
Down to the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom Boom Boom.
The ants go marching two by two,
Hoorah, hoorah!
The ants go marching two by two,
Hoorah, hoorah!
The ants go marching two by two,
The little one stops to tie his shoe.
And they all go marching,
Down to
the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom Boom Boom.
The ants go marching three by three,
Hoorah, hoorah!
The ants go marching three by three,
Hoorah, hoorah!
The ants go marching three by three,
The little one stops cause he skinned his knee.
And they all go marching,
Down to the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom Boom Boom.
The ants go marching four by four,
Hoorah, hoorah!
The ants go marching four by four,
Hoorah, hoorah!
The ants go marching four by four,
The little one stops to shut the door.
And they all go marching,
Down to the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom Boom Boom.
Additional Verses
Five by five: Stops to see the bee hive
Six by six: Picks up sticks
Seven by seven: prays to heaven
Eight by eight: closes the gate
Nine by nine: starts to whine
Ten by ten: starts all over again
~ Author
Left and
right, left and right,
Ants work
hard all day and night.
Left and
right, left and right,
Don't get
left, just step right.
~ Author
Ants, Ants
Ants, ants
Rushing here,
Rushing there.
Carrying treasures
To their nest.
Never stopping
For a rest.
Ants, Ants,
Here and there.
Hurrying and scurrying
~ Author Unknown
When the Ants Go Marching In
(tune: When the
Saints Go Marching In)
Oh when the ants,
Go marching in.
Oh when the ants go marching in.
How I want
To be in that number.
When the ants go marching in.
~ Author
*students can march
around the room while singing this song
Squash An Ant
(tune: Row, Row, Row, Your Boat)
Never, never squash an ant.
There mother nature's friends.
Catch one in a plastic jar,
Then let it go again.
~ Author Unknown
The Teddy Bears' Picnic
If you go down in the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down in the woods today
You'd better go in disguise.
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain because,
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic.
Picnic time for teddy bears
The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today
Watch them catch them unawares
And see them picnic on their holiday
See them gaily gad about
They love to play and shout,
They never have any cares
At six o'clock their Mommies and Daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired little teddy bears.
Every teddy bear who's been good
Is sure of a treat today
There's lots of marvelous things to eat
And wonderful games to play
Beneath the trees where nobody sees
They'll hide and seek as long as they please
'Cause that's the way the teddy bears have their picnic.
~ Author
Let's pretend we're having fun
At a
picnic everyone.
Then some
picnic pets come ' round.
Birds that
flutter to the ground.
Crickets who can jump so funny,
And a
wiggly little bunny.
Butterflies on lazy wings,
and lots of other things!
Let's pretend that we are all
pets who've come to call.
~ Author
On A Picnic
Going on a picnic,
Leaving right away.
If it doesn't rain,
We'll stay all day.
Did you bring the (sandwiches)?
Yes, we brought the (sandwiches).
Did you bring the (sandwiches)?
Yes, we brought the (sandwiches).
Going on a picnic,
Here we
~ Author
*use this
in a pocketchart and you can change the food item each time
you start a new verse by using a picture icon
version ...
Goin' on a
Leaving right away.
If it doesn't rain
We'll stay all day.
Do you want some ______?
Yes I want some ____.
Here we go.
of Jingle Bells)
Dashing through the store
In a happy sort of mood.
Filling up our cart
With yummy picnic food.
We’re going to the park
With coolers packed up tight.
What fun it is to plan a day
Of picnicking outside.
Picnic day
Picnic all the way!
Lay a blanket, toss a ball.
Picnic all the day, hey
Picnic day
Picnic day
Picnic all the way!
Throw a frisbee, eat a lot
And picnic all the day.
~ Author
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Picnics are a lot of fun.
In the nice, warm summer sun.
We can bring good things to eat.
Watermelon what a treat!
Picnics are a lot of fun.
Come on now, let’s go on one.
~ Author
underlined word with other picnic food names or
She’ll be Comin’ Round the Mountain)
Oh, we’re
going on a picnic.
Want to come?
Oh, we’re going on a picnic.
Want to come?
Oh, we’re going on a picnic.
And it’s going to be terrific.
Oh, we’re going on a picnic.
Want to come?
~ Author
*Ant Hills: Provide each student with a predrawn ant
hill (or have them draw their own) on manilla or tan
paper. Cutting it out is optional. Each ant
hill can be pre-programmed with a number or have the
students choose a number and write it on their ant hill
with a black crayon. Using a black stamp pad,
students will use their pinky finger to add enough
"ants" to their ant hill to match the number. Use
a pencil, black pen or crayon, or fine point marker to
add 3 legs to the side of each ant's body.
Hill Counting Mats: Make ant hill math mats and
program with a number. Laminate. Students
count the correct number of plastic ants or raisins onto
the mats.
Story Mats: Create a math mat for each student
resembling a picnic place setting. (red/white
checked cloth, paperplate, fork, napkin, cup)
Laminate. Create math story problems on index
cards for addition and subtraction. Laminate.
To use, choose a card and read the problem. As you
read, students will create the problem on their mat
using ants (plastic, black buttons, beans painted black
or raisins).
Jason finished his sandwich and went off to play.
Two ants crawled onto his plate to see if he left
anything for them. Then two more ants crawled up
to see if he left anything for them. How many ants
were on Jason's plate? (Each student would have
places 2 "ants" on their mat, and then placed 2 more
ants on their mat. At the end of the story
problem, they would have 4 ants on their plate.)
*Graphing: Graph students' favorite place to go for
a picnic (beach, zoo, park, backyard, lake)
*Paper Plate Counting: Program paper plates with an
Ellison die-cut number. Students count the correct
number of plastic ants, black buttons, raisins, cookies,
etc. into the plate.
*Graphing: Graph students' favorite kind of
sandwich, chips, beverage
*Paper Plate Math Mats: Quick and easy math
mats can be made using one or two paper plates. No
cutting or lamination required!
*Watermelon Counting Mats: stop by
Wild About Watermelons to
see a picture and getting instructions for this
*One-to-One Correspondence: Let your students set up
a picnic site using plates, napkins, forks, spoons,
knives, and cups. Each place setting should have
one of each. If you have enough of the same items,
you could even throw in some pretend food.
*Sandwich Fractions: Use real or picture card
sandwiches to teach: whole, half, quarter. Don't
forget to show that you can cut vertically,
horizontally, or diagonally to divide the sandwich into
equal pieces.
*Nonstandard Measurement: Use plastic ants to teach
nonstandard measurement by having students measure how
many ants long their pencil is, how wide their desk is,
etc. and recording their answer on a response form.
pencil = ___ ants
*Estimation: Have students estimate how plastic ants
it would take to cover a slice of bread. Record
their estimates. Then provide each with a slice of
bread and plastic ants to see who had the
correct/closest estimation. (You might want to do
this as a group rather than individually)
*Volume: Use yellow tinted water (lemonade) to
explore and teach volume. Experiment pouring the
water into different sized containers and discuss the
results. Have students sequence the containers
largest to smallest and vice-versa.
*Forking Up Addition & Subtraction Facts: Program
plastic spoons and forks with numbers using a Sharpie
marker. Create multiple cards programmed with plus
(+) , take away (-) and equal to (=) signs.
Laminate the cards. Students will use the spoons,
forks and cards to create addition and subtraction
facts. Then they will search for the correct
answer on plastic knives that have also been programmed
with numbers using a Sharpie marker. When they
create a correct addition or subtraction fact ( 6[spoon]
+ 4[fork] = 10[knife] ) they write it on a fact sheet to
be checked later.
alternative activity would be to create placemats
programmed with the mathematical signs (+, -, =) instead
of using the laminated cards. The students would
place the spoon, fork, knife in the correct place on the
mat and record their fact on their fact sheet.
*Too Many Ants!: Create half page booklets ahead of
time with text that reads pg 1 - 1 ant, pg 2 - 2 ants,
etc. Students create the correct number of ants on
each page using black fingerprints. When dry, they
can go back and add legs. More advanced students
can have their booklets programmed with number words
instead of numbers, or addition facts. Subtraction
facts can also be done by Xing out the number that needs
to be taken away.
*Graphing: After being read a book on real ants,
graph which ant the students would rather be - queen,
worker, guard.
*Graphing Manipulatives: I just remembered that I
have a box of small plastic fruits that either came from
Dollar Tree or Lakeshore (I kinda think Lakeshore). They
also have graphing mats. Students graph the fruits
onto the mats.
*Sorting: Use the plastic fruit from above and have
students sort into different fruit categories. [grapes,
bananas, etc.]
Kritters: I was forced to go to Wal-Mart today, and
to reward me, I found these neat little things.
Back by the Hefty Zoo Pals, they had containers of Dixie
Kiddie Kritters. They are primary colored plastic
spoons and forks that can be used for sorting and
patterning. So I bought 2 containers .. less than
$4 for both. You could also use them to teach
nonstandard measurement as well.
click on images to enlarge
*One-to-One Correspondence or Number Sequencing: Use the
border strip from the Marching To a Picnic activity below
along with clothespins. For one-to-one correspondence,
have students clip a clothespin on each ant. For
number sequencing, program each clothespin with a number 1 -
12. Students clip the clothespins on the ants in the
correct sequence.
*Ants On a Log - provide large, straight pretzels
(log), cream cheese or peanut butter (mud), and raisins
(ants). Students spread cream cheese or peanut
butter on the pretzel and stick on raisins. Voila!
Ants on a log!
~Note: you can use celery for the "log." Ewww! :(~
*Sandwiches - after graphing students favorite kind
of sandwich, provide the fixings for the top two or
three choices and let students create their own
*Mini Hamburgers - these are some of the cutest
hamburgers I've ever seen! Just precious! I
have a picture "somewhere" if I can ever find them.
Provide each student with two vanilla wafers (the bun),
white frosting or whipped cream cheese (mayo), yellow
frosting (mustard), red frosting (ketchup), a thin mint
cookie (meat), and grated coconut died with green food
coloring (lettuce). Have them put them all
together and it looks just like a mini hamburger!
Sequence: vanilla wafer upside-down, spread with yellow
frosting, top with mint cookie, spread with red
frosting, top with coconut. Spread white frosting
on flat side of remaining vanilla wafer and place on top
of coconut. Voila! Sorry Texas teachers,
this isn't for you. :(
*Lemonade - Make some lemonade! :) You can do
it the old fashioned way by rolling and squeezing the
lemons, or you can do it the new fangled way and use
Minute Maid! Just follow the directions on
the canister.
*Watermelon - if it's in season, have some
watermelon! Afterwards you can count the seeds,
plant the seeds, or even have a watermelon seed spitting
contest! :)
*Edible Anthills - give each student a graham
cracker in a ziploc bag. Have them crush the
cracker making sure they don't puncture their bag.
When the cracker resembles dirt, add chocolate chips or
raisins for ants.
Picnic - have a mini picnic and serve only "P" foods:
pickles, pie, pumpkin pie, peanut butter, pineapple,
pineapple juice, potato chips. potato sticks, pretzels,
Pringles, pasta, pepperoni pizza, popcorn, pudding,
peanuts, pancakes, plums
Hide plastic ants, plastic food, plastic
cup/plates/spoons (watch out for tongs on forks),
pitcher in sandtable for students to find and use in
their sand play.
*Marching Down the Picnic Trail: I went to the
school supply store and bought almost one of everything
they had to do with ants and picnics. I bought all
this stuff having no idea how I was going to use it.
:) I bought two different kids of ant border,
thinking I'd use at least one of them for the border on
my bulletin board. Aaaaaac! <buzzer sound>
That was before I decided to "create" my own border! :)
Anyway, long story shorter, I created this game using
one of the borders that I purchased, matching name tags,
Stickety Splits and one of the red plates. The ant
hill I created on my computer and printed on cardstock.
I'm going to have the border that's attached to the ant
hill laminated, and then just add the plate on a spot of
velcro so it can be removed for easier storing.
you play the game - Each player starts at the ant hill
(that's why it says START there! :) ) with a marker of
some type. I think we're going to use round,
plastic, colored disks. They draw a game
card from the stack. If they can read the word,
identify the letter, answer the addition fact or
whatever, they get to move their marker one place (on
top of the first ant). Each student takes a turn
and moves their marker down the "picnic trail" towards
the plate. The ants are the "stepping stones".
The first person to the plate wins! I made the
game cards using nametags that match the border and left
them blank and then laminated them. That way you
can program them with a Vis-a-Via and change the skills
as needed and you won't have to keep making new game
cards. The food on the plate is stickers called
Stickety Splits. They are sooo cute! Thank
you, Carol. :) Oh, I added the letters to the
sandwiches .. just stick on letters that I bought at
Office Depot.
Note: There are 10 spaces to move on the picnic trail.
But for the sake of this picture, I moved the plate
closer to the ant hill so that I could get a decent
click on images to enlarge
*I'm Going On a Picnic: Have students sit in a
circle. You start with, "I'm going on a picnic and
I'm going to bring an apple." The first
student must repeat, "I'm going on a picnic and I'm
going to bring an apple and a banana. The
next student would repeat all and add an item that
starts with a "c." And it keeps going around the
circle. Each student has to repeat what was
previously said plus add their own item with the
appropriate beginning letter.
*Memory Game: Have students sit around a blanket or
tablecloth. Spread picnic items out on the
tablecloth. Have them take a close look, then
close/cover their eyes. Remove one item.
Have them take turns guessing what the missing item is.
Keep removing one item until they're all gone.
*Sorting: Provide students with a basket and picture
cards of picnic vocabulary (it would be great if they
match what's on your Thematic Word Wall). Students
will sort food items into the picnic basket.
*Culminating Activity: Of course a picnic is the
perfect ending for this unit. It won't matter to
the children whether or not you carry the picnic on a
field trip to the park, to the playground, or even the
classroom floor .. they're guaranteed to have fun and
you'll be providing a special memory of school as a fun
place to grow and learn.
Allow the students to do all the work. Send home
notes to parents asking for their help in providing the
things you'll need such as picnic baskets, blankets,
tablecloths, paper plates and napkins, plastic cups,
spoons, forks, food and beverages along with containers
for them. Ahead of time you can have the children
make sandwiches, bake cookies, and prepare lemonade, so
on the day of the picnic, all they have to do is pack
the baskets and go!
After the food is gone, play Duck, Duck, Goose, throw
frisbees, play ball, blow bubbles, play tag, fly kites,
or play Red Light, Green Light. What a perfect
ending to a great unit! :)
Picnic - The Mailbox K Aug/Sept 1990
The Ants
Are Marching - The Mailbox K Apr/May 2001
Unit & Burger Cookie recipe cards - The Mailbox K
June/July 2000
Life In An
Ant Colony class play - The Mailbox Primary
June/July 2003
Math Is A
Picnic - The Mailbox Primary June/July 2003
The Magic
School Bus - Ants in You Pants
Draw It!
(ant) - Fun With the Alphabet Evan-Moor 1987
Plus (addition) - Teacher's Helper June/July 2004
Ants (dipthongs)
- Teacher's Helper Apr/May/June 1999
I Can Make
It! I Can Read It! - Summer TEC3508
Ants All
Around - The Mailbox April Idea Book
Preschool/Kindergarten TEC 248
Ant Homes
Under the Ground - J. Echols, K. Hosoume, J. Kopp
Mailbox Preschool/Kindergarten May Idea Book
For A Picnic emergent reader
The Ants
Go Marching emergent reader
Shape Book and Ant Pattern
Education Theme Topics: Picnics
Ant Links
Picnic Day
Paper Bag
Picnic Basket
Ant Poster
Ant Poster
printable (black and white)
Ant Poster
2 printable
Ant Poster
2 printable (black and white)
coloring page
Egg Carton
Ant Craft
A is for
Ant handwriting page (color)
A is for
Ant handwriting page
Ant Art
CanTeach -
Songs & Poems: Ants
Ant Theme
Board: Fantastic Ants (to purchase)
