The Three Bears - Paul Galdone
Goldilocks and The Three Bears - Jan Brett
The Three Snow Bears - Jan Brett
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Marcia
Goldilocks and The Three Bears - James
Somebody and the Three Blairs - Marilyn
Goldilocks and The Three Bears - J.A. Dyer

Counting: Provide 10 bowls and 55 plastic spoons. Have each bowl numbered
in the bottom with a number from 1-10. Students count out the correct
number of spoons into each bowl.

Counting Practice: Print in gray scale for copying for
your class.
Counting practice printable

Do a class book rewriting the story ending of
The Three Bears or change Goldilocks to a boy.

Beginning Sounds Practice: Print the picture and letter cards below on
cardstock and have students match the correct beginning sound to the picture.
Beginning Sounds

Pick the Beginning Sounds Practice: Print these picture cards on cardstock and
laminate. Then you have several options of how to use them. You can
hole punch the circles under each number and have the students choose the
correct beginning sound for each picture by inserting their pencil or a golf tee
into the correct hole. If you choose this method, you'll need to mark the
back of the card with the correct answer before laminating. You can do
that be circling the correct hole or putting a star sticker above it. You
could even use a bee sticker to coordinate with the bear theme.
I'm going to use the cards by having the students place a clothes pin on the
circle of the correct beginning sound. This will save my cards from being
"stabbed", help them with their pincer grip, and allow me to check their
click to enlarge
Pick The Beginning Sound cards

Following Directions: Use the picture
from Cherry Carl's site with the Gallery of Pictures of Goldilocks sleeping and
have students listen and follow directions to complete the coloring page.
I created this activity because one of my Ks in particular seems to be lacking
in this skill.
click to enlarge
Following Directions printable

Drama: Turn your Drama Station
or House Center into the 3 Bears' House! You'll need 3 chairs, 3
bowls, 3 spoons, and for the beds 3 different colors of fabric to lay on the
floor. Your students will love using these props to act out the story!
To extend the activity into writing, the students will complete the sentence
frame "While we were home Goldilocks came into our classroom and made a mess of
our ..." and the children draw the picture and finish the sentence.

Retelling: Create a peek through
board of the 3 bears and Goldilocks using posterboard. Do this by cutting
out a circle where the faces would be. The students look through the board
and use it to retell the story as if they're the character. Too cute! :)
The drama and retelling activity above were
shared by Kelly Cooke, a kindergarten teacher in Cape Cod, MA. Thanks
Kelly for sharing your precious ideas. :)

The Power of Three: Use Goldilocks and
the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, and The Three Billy Goats Gruff to learn
about the number 3. After reading several times, compare and contrast the 3

Porridge Graph: Have students
predict whether or not they will like porridge. Then have them make and
eat porridge and graph whether or not they actually liked it using bears with
their names on them to create a pictograph. Did they have to revise their
prediction? Discuss results of the graph.
*Porridge is like oatmeal. So we used
instant apples and cinnamon oatmeal. The kids loved it and no one had to
revise their predictions. We talked about measurement and they got to help
measure out the water and add it to the bowl and then get a turn at stirring.
While it was cooking, we read a previously unread version of The 3 Bears called
What's Missing? They had to find what was missing from each page.
click to enlarge

Use pictures from the story and have students sequence them. I
always model with them before having them do them on their own and it's always
after we've read the story many, many times. These pictures
came from a reproducible book that I have for sequencing fairy tales. I
think it's by Frank Schaffer, so that tells you how old it is. :)
click to enlarge

3 Bears Song: I made this song
chart using artwork from Cherry Carl's site. I only had to find a pot
picture, which I did before I had it laminated for the "big brown pot."
The little brown bears around the border are Ellison cut-outs. The
children love singing the song. It's to the tune of 3 Blind Mice.
click to enlarge

Characters: Use pictures from one of
the links below and have students sort CHARACTERS vs NOT A CHARACTER
Goldilocks and The Three Little Bears (listen to the story online)
Goldilocks and The Three Little Bears (printable book)
Goldilocks and The Three Little Bears (story props)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and The Three Bears
Papa Bear and Porridge
Baby Bear and Goldilocks
Goldilocks and The Three Bears
Goldilocks and The Three Bears (play)
Goldilocks and The Three Bears (in sign language)
Goldilocks and The Three Bears (song)
The Three Bears
Goldilocks and The Three Bears (student illustrated)
Song about Goldilocks and The Three Bears
The Three Bears Rap
Under Fives - Goldilocks and The Three Bears mini theme
Goldilocks and The Three Bears: Make A Silly Story at English-Zone.com
Goldilocks and The Three Bears fact sheet
activity sheets
Goldilocks and The Three Bears - verbs exercise
Goldilocks and The Three Bears: sentence combining practice
Goldilocks and The Three Bears (lesson plan for kindergarten)
Gallery of Pictures (printable)
Paper Dolls (printable)
Peek Over Patterns and Samples
Sequencing (printable)
That One's Mine! (printable)
Bear Masks (3 Bears printable masks)

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last updated 6.11.11 |