Smelly Socks -
Robert Munsch
Socks For Supper
Fox in Socks -
Dr. Seuss
A Pair of Socks
- Stuart J. Murphy
Little Sock
Pirate - John Whelan
Red Socks,
Yellow Socks

Thanks to the
TA bunch for all their help in putting this page together! :)

S is for Socks
S is for socks
That you wear on
your feet
Keeping your
toes all warm and toasty
In all the
colors of the rainbow!
~ Cindy
Montgomery ~
Numbers and Headers:
Print these sock calendar numbers and headers to use with your sock
Sock Calendar Headers
Sock Calendar Numbers

Black socks,
they never get dirty,
The longer you
wear them the stronger they get!
Sometimes I
think I should wash them,
But something
keeps telling me
No, no, not yet!
~ Girl Scout
Song ~
Socks Day!:
Introduce the unit by having the students wear their craziest pair
of socks (and you wear yours of course, too!) and then leave their
shoes at the door! They'll love comparing and contrasting
their socks! What fun!!
day, have Sock Day. Then have students sort themselves into
attributes. They can sort themselves by color, by prints, by
letters, by animals or objects, buttons, more than one color,
stripes, polka dots, etc. Or, by stripes/no stripes, red/no
red, etc.
Give each student an outline of sock on cardstock. Have them
take it home and decorate. Use them to decorate a bulletin
board or hallway. You can hang them from a clothesline with
captions like: "We're Just Hangin' Around", "We're Just Hangin'
Out", "We'll Knock Your Socks Off", "Putting Our Best Foot Forward"
Print these sheets that cover writing their
name, /s/ sound, discrimination of letter Ss,
color identification, writing Ss, "big" & "little" or "capital" & "lowercase", and following directions!
Letter S printable 1
Letter S printable 2
Letter S printable 3
(Because everyone uses different kinds of fonts in
their classroom, I chose not to add Ss to the printing line on this page.
I would suggest that you add them by hand using a fine-tipped Sharpie marker
before copying for your class.)
Letter S
printable 4

Diddle, Diddle
Diddle, diddle
my son John.
He went to bed
with his socks on.
One shoe off and
one shoe on.
Diddle, diddle
my son John!
~ Nursery Rhyme
Print the alphabet cards on cardstock, laminate, and have students
match the capital to lowercase letters.
Sock Alphabet Matching Cards
Use old mismatched socks and let the children make sock puppets.
Make sure you provide them with all things needed to be really
creative: all kinds of buttons, felt, wiggly eyes, yarn, doll hair,
rick-rack, sequins, lace, etc. Use these for retelling stories
and practicing the /s/ sound that S makes.
Use construction paper socks cut from an Ellison die-cut to help
students practice spelling their name! Cut each student's name
from a single color paper and program each sock with a letter of
their name. Laminate. Have the students sequence the
sock letters to spell their name by hanging them on a mini
clothesline. For storing, each student can clip their name
together with a clothespin and have a sock labeled with their name
on front for ease in finding. The name sock on front can also
be used as a model for those who need additional help with spelling.
Their names can be stored in a mini basket.
Fill several socks with a small object that begins with the /s/
sound. Allow students to stick their hand inside one of the
socks without peeking and try to guess what the object inside the
sock is ... reminding them that it begins with the /s/ sound.
This is a great way to practice the letter S and it's sound,
especially if you use socks labeled with S! (you may also want
to give clues if they have trouble guessing the objects)
Use an Ellison die-cut to cut out socks from construction paper.
Cut out one set of socks from white paper or another color.
Program these socks with a color word. Then cut out individual socks
for each color word from that color construction paper.
Laminate. Students will match the color word to that
color sock.

Socks, socks,
I love socks!
Yellow, red,
green and blue,
Socks for me
And socks for
~ Cindy
Montgomery ~
Use sock cut outs and program one cut out each with a picture and
one with student's name. Laminate. Have students match
pictures to names.
Use OLD socks and allow students to use them to practice creating
the letter S on cardstock. Once they get the hang of it, allow
them to glue their letter down and hang their creations on a
Program plain white socks using T-shirt transfers with letters.
Have students sequence letters or complete the missing letters
activities by hanging them on a mini clothesline in the proper
order. (of course you can use paper sock cut outs and numbers
as well)
Use the same set up from above with the white socks and transfers
and program with rhyming words, opposites, beginning
sounds/pictures, numbers/ words, etc. Thanks to my friend,
Carol at
Learning Tree, for this idea, which I adapted for this unit. :)
Sing this song to practice writing the letter S and saying it's
S Song
(Tune: The
Mulberry Bush)
This is the way
we put on our socks, (pretend to put on socks)
put on our
socks, put on our socks, (pretend to put on socks)
This is the way
we put on our socks, (pretend to put on socks)
So late in the
This is the way
we make the S sound,
/s/, /s/, /s/,
/s/, /s/, /s/, /s/, /s/
This is the way
we make the S sound,
So late in the
This is the way
we write the letter S,
write the letter
S, write the letter S.
This is the way
we write the letter S,
So late in the
(either air
write the letter S or use individual whiteboards)
~ Cindy
Montgomery ~
Increase vocabulary by making and discussing windsocks. Match
the windsock to whatever season or holiday is near. For
beginning of school, staple a sheet of blue construction paper into
a ring. Glue or staple on appropriate "back to school"
die-cuts such as an apple, a book, shapes, letters, numbers, etc.
(or you can have children draw them) Then glue long lengths of
red, yellow, blue and green crepe paper streamers to the bottom.
When dry, hole punch 3 holes around the top of the windsock and
thread with 3 short pieces of yarn and knot together at the top.
Voila, a windsock!
in Socks!:
Use this book by Dr. Seuss as a springboard for a word sort of "ox"
and "ock" words.
Give each student a sock blackline and have them create an AB or ABC
pattern with stripes using crayons or markers.
Use real
socks to practice patterning. I'm going to have my students
hang the socks on a mini clothesline made from two 5 lb cans and two
broom handles. This makes a nice portable clothesline that can
be moved from place to place. We also have a sock Ellison
die-cut that I'm going to use for patterning.
Cut out socks from construction paper using an Ellison die-cut.
Program half the socks with numbers and the other half with objects
to match the numbers ... such as stars, hearts, dots, stripes, etc.
Laminate. Students count the "objects" on the socks and match
to the sock with the correct number.
Bring in a mini basket full of unmatched socks and have students
pair them up! This goes perfectly with Stewart J. Murphy's
book A Pair of Socks! For more advanced students you
can even extend the activity by introducing counting by twos and
even/odd numbers.
Choose a sock and have the class estimate how many Unifix cubes they
think will fit into the sock. Have them either record their
answers on slips of paper with their name and place into a specified
sock or record their answers on a chart for analysis later.
Then see how many cubes will fit into the sock, but stop half way to
see if anyone thinks they need to revise their estimates! :)
(also, stop along the way to talk about the estimates that were
recorded on the chart to check whether or not the numbers could be
accurate ... ex. 4 cubes {after you've put in 4 cubes} )
Give a new pair of socks to anyone who estimated the exact amount!
Use different sizes of socks to practice seriation .. smallest to
largest, largest to smallest.
Print this page for each student and follow the directions on the
Number Game
Put out socks in groups of 3 or more. Have only one sock
different in each group. Students will identify which socks
are the same or which socks are different.
a Sock!:
Take a walk in your socks (over your shoes) and then plant your
sock. See if anything grows from seeds that attached
themselves to your socks! :)
Tail: Use
socks as feathers for your bulletin board turkey! Have each
student bring in one clean sock to help dress the turkey! :)
Christmas time you can tie in stockings to this unit.
Have a sock hop!
Make a Math Book
for A Pair of Socks
(scroll down to
Math Class Books)
Tie-dyed Socks
Socks and Shoes