Resource Book:
Teacher's Helper Sept/Oct 1999
Rows of Crows
addition page (sums to 5)
Who's Scared?
addition page (sums to 6)
Resource Book:
SCHOOLDAYS Sept/Oct 2000
A Movable Scarecrow
Resource Book: I
Can Make It! I Can Read It! Fall (TEC3512)
"Who's That?"
Resource Book:
SCHOOLDAYS Sept/Oct 1990
Scarecrow Math
(sums to 6)
Resource Book:
Teacher's Helper Sept/Oct 1997
Something to Crow
About (sums to 7)
Resource Book:
Teacher's Helper Oct/Nov 2002
Smilin' Scarecrow
(color words)
Resource Book:
October Monthly Activities 1989
Silly Scarecrow
(scarecrow pattern)
Resource Book:
Worksheet Magazine (now Teacher's Helper) Sept/Oct 1990
Lonesome Lefty
(Left and right)
Resource Book: The
Mailbox Kindergarten Oct/Nov 1998
Jeb Scarecrow's
Pumpkin Patch
Resource Book:
Worksheet Magazine Grade 1 Sept/Oct 1990
Harvest Hues (color
Resource Book:
Teacher's Helper Oct/Nov 2001
Sunny Scarecrow
(beginning sounds m,t,f)
Funny Friends
(beginning sounds p,n,c)
Fall Feast
(beginning sounds j,k,r)
Fall Kindergarten
News (stationary)
Starlight Snooze
(beginning sounds l,d,v)
Resource Book:
Teacher's Helper Sept/Oct 1998
Fall Stationary
Favorite Fall
Things (classifying)
Resource Book:
Lasting Lessons* Fall Into Colors
Home Connection
Scarecrow Pattern
Scarecrow poem and
Sack Scarecrows
Resource Book: 15
Reproducible Write-and-Read Books (Scholastic Professional
How to Make a
Scarecrow (booklet)
This is my new
pointer that I just got at my friendly Wal-Mart for 98 cents.
I'll use it during instruction and the students will use it
for Read the Room.
Writing Prompts:
A Day in the Life of a Scarecrow ...
If I were a
scarecrow, I'd ...
The Scarecrow That
Couldn't Scare Anything
The Scariest
Scarecrow in the World
(tune: Twinkle,
Twinkle Little Star)
scarecrow turn around.
scarecrow touch the ground.
Stand up tall and
blink your eyes.
Raise your hand up
to the sky.
Clap your hands,
then tap your knees.
Turn around and tap
your feet.
scarecrow touch your toes.
scarecrow tap your nose.
Swing your arms so
very slow.
Now real fast to
scare the crows!
Touch your head,
jump up and down.
Now sit down
without a sound.
~ Author Unknown
Of course, you have
to do the motions with this song! :)
Make a Scarecrow:
Provide the students with the clothes and other things needed
to make their own scarecrow. Once complete, he can just
hang out and lounge around in the classroom. :)
A Class Full of
Scarecrows: Have each student lie down on a piece of
butcher or bulletin board paper with their arms appropriately
placed for a scarecrow (straight out, straight down, or
straight out and bent down at the elbows). Trace around
the student. Have the student decorate their body shape
to look like a scarecrow, then have them cut them out.
Before displaying them in the hallway, the students can use
them to sequence shortest to tallest. Display them in
the hall with pumpkins, cornstalks, crows, etc.
The Little
Scarecrow Boy: Read the book, The Little Scarecrow
Boy, and then provide each student with a white paperplate,
two buttons for eyes, and a triangle for a nose. Have
them decorate their plate with a "fierce" face. Then
provide them with yarn or raffia to add for hair and a
construction paper hat.
Jeb Scarecrow's
Pumpkin Patch: Read the book, Jeb Scarecrow's Pumpkin
Patch, then have students fingerpaint large sheets of
paper using orange paint. After they're dry, cut out
large pumpkin shapes. Then allow the students to use
yellow construction paper to create scary faces for the
pumpkins to scare away the crows.
Comparing &
Contrasting: Read The Lonely Scarecrow then use a
Venn diagram to compare/contrast it with either The Little
Scarecrow Boy or Jeb Scarecrow's Pumpkin Patch.
Dress Up:
Provide old clothes, gloves, boots, a coat, a scarf, and hats
for the students to dress up in and pretend they're
Video: Watch
"The Wizard of Oz"
Homework Project:
Send an outline of a scarecrow copied onto construction paper
home with each student. Have them dress and decorate
their scarecrow, then return him/her to school.
Scarecrow: I just had this idea last night/early this
morning, so I don't actually know how it will turn out.
Use the gingerbread man Ellison die-cut and cut out one per
student using white or a light color paper (whatever color you
want the scarecrow's face to be). Have the students
decorate the "gingerbread man" to look like a scarecrow.
They can add clothes using markers, crayons, construction
paper, fabric, or wallpaper samples. You could even help
them out by cutting out extra gingerbread men in clothing
colors and cutting them apart to make clothing for the
students' scarecrows. You can also cut out these
"extras" using wallpaper samples as well. The students
then just glue those "parts" on to their scarecrows and add
details to resemble clothes. Either provide a small hat
pattern reproduced on construction paper for them to cut out
and add to their scarecrow, or have them make him a hat from
construction paper scraps. Then they can glue their
scarecrow on to another piece of construction paper and add
the background of cornstalks, pumpkins, crows, etc.
I finally found the
pictures of my scarecrow that I bought last year at Cracker
Barrel! He just lounges around in our room. You
never know where he'll turn up next. Here he's sitting
in time-out! :)
This is the extent
of my fall door decorating. Bought at my friendly local
Wal-Mart. :)
Scarecrow Game: This game and picture were submitted
by Libby. The students roll the dice and then
put the corresponding pattern block piece in the proper
place on their scarecrow gameboard. If they don't need that
piece, they get to pass. Thanks, Libby, for sharing! :)
Ok, for everyone wanting the
pattern for this scarecrow, here's what you do ...
I threw this one together in 30
mins. or less. The worst part of it was cutting out
the pattern blocks. You can go to this
site and print out the pattern blocks. Then copy
as many as you need. Cut them out and glue them on
something to form the scarecrow. Since I just did it
to see how hard it would be, I just glued mine to a piece of
construction paper and drew off two pumpkins and added them.
You could really make a cute background using clipart if you
wanted. And thank you, Susi
for sharing that pattern block site. It saved me a LOT
of time!
11.11.08 - Tricia sent her
scarecrow block pattern printables to share. Thanks,
Tricia, for sharing! :)
Scarecrow with Pumpkins
Submitted by:
You can extend this activity by
having students complete a graph or chart recording how many
particular shapes or colors they used to build the
scarecrow. For instance, Saxon Math does it this way:
How many blocks did you use?
____ orange
___ yellow
____ blue
___ tan
They fill in the correct number.
Or, you could have them write in the number next to the
shape instead of the color word. Or, you could have
them put their answers in a graph.
For the more advanced students,
you could provide this pattern in a Center and let them cut
out the pattern blocks and glue them in the shape of the
scarecrow like I did. Beware, some teachers thought
this was a difficult activity, so some of your students
might become frustrated.
Scarecrow Song: Marilyn has
kindly shared this song that she wrote with us. Thanks,
Marilyn! It's too cute! :)
(tune: I'm A Little Teapot)
I'm a little scarecrow short and fat.
Here are my gloves and here is my hat.
When the crows fly down to eat the crops.
I clap my hands and the birds fly off.
(add actions)
~Marilyn Jacobson,
WA state
Scarecrow, Scarecrow
(tune: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear)
Scarecrow, scarecrow, turn around.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, touch the ground.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, reach up high.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, touch the sky.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, bend down low.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, touch your toe.
~ Author Unknown
Two Little Black Crows
Two little black crows sitting on a hill. (Lift pointer
One named Jack. (Wiggle one pointer finger.)
One named Jill. (Wiggle other pointer finger.)
Fly away Jack. (Put first pointer finger behind back.)
Fly away Jill. (Put other pointer finger behind back.)
Come back Jack. (Bring first pointer finger to front again.)
Come back Jill. (Bring second pointer finger to front
~ Author Unknown
Make crows using student foot and
handprints. The footprint is the body and the
handprints make the wings. Use hole reinforcers for
the eyes and add an orange triangle for a beak.
This is another pointer that I
made. I buy dowels about the same size around as a
pencil and have my husband cut them in half. Then I
add pencil toppers to them to form the pointers.
(tune: 10 Green and Speckled
10 crows all shiny black
Sat on a scarecrow's back
Eating some most delicious corn. CAW! CAW!
Scarecrow winked and shouted BOO!
Scared one crow, away he flew.
Now there are 9 black shiny crows. CAW! CAW!
continue with each number until
you get to ...
1 crow all shiny black
Sat on a scarecrow's back
Eating some most delicious corn.
Scarecrow winked and shouted BOO!
Scared one crow, away he flew.
Now there are no black shiny
~ Author Unknown
We made scarecrows as part of our
door display for Drug Awareness Week so that it would fit in
with our Farm Theme. We used a scarecrow head and
shirt pattern, then created the rest of the scarecrow using
our own patterns. The students basically created the
head, chose the colors for the body, and cut out the shirt..
The body was too difficult for them to make (rolling the
construction paper and stapling it). The stuffing is
raffia. More pictures can be seen @
Bulletin Board, Wall, & Door Displays
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of
Anything: Use this book by Linda Williams around Halloween
time to add a little "spooky" into your Scarecrow Unit! :)
The kids love it! This book is great for drama,
sequencing and retelling. We used real props to go
with the story so the kids could manipulate them at the
appropriate times while I read the story. For
instance, when I read "Clomp! Clomp!" the 2 students, each
with a boot, would make them go clomp, clomp. Here are
some more links that will help extend the story as well.
And if get The Mailbox, there are some story props in past
Use the Scarecrow, Scarecrow book printable from this link
that correlates: