Information provided on this page is for classroom use only; not for publication. 2006
Books Peter Pan Tough Boris - Mem Fox How I Became a Pirate - Melinda Long The Pirate - Pat Hutchins Grandma and the Pirates - Phoebe Gilman Pirate Girl - Cornelia Funke Do Pirates Take Baths? - Kathy Tucker Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC - June Sobel Dinosailors - Deb Lund Maggie and the Pirate - Ezra Jack Keats Pirates Past Noon - Mary Pope Osborne Come Away From the Water, Shirley - John Birmingham A Pirate's Tale - Alan Jardine The Night Pirates - Peter Harris Pirate Pete - Kim Kennedy Pirate Pete's Giant Adventure - Kim Kennedy Maisy's Pirate Treasure Hunt - Lucy Cousins The Pirate Feast - Joy Cowley
Bulletin Board: This board was created several years ago when the first Pirates of the Caribbean came out (weelll .. maybe not the original :) ) by the kindergarten teacher next door for back to school. She put her students' names on the gold pieces. The gold pieces she either made from gold mylar, wrapping paper or something shiny. After not looking at it for a year of so, when I first glanced at it and saw the block patterns, it made me think that it would be cute to use a bamboo border on it! :)
Bulletin Board Titles: There's Hidden Treasure in Every Book Treasured Work
Treasure Chest: Collect a shoe box for each student and paint it gold. Have students sponge paint on top of the gold with bronze paint. Add embellishments to make the box resemble a treasure chest. For the length of the Pirate Unit students will collect gold doubloons (can be found around Mardi Gras time for parades) as tokens for good behavior, good grades, homework returned, whatever objectives you choose. These will be collected in their own personal treasure chest. You can set up a token economy system where a certain number of gold pieces can buy treats, stickers, free time, pencils, etc. OR, you can reward with treats, stickers, pencils, etc. and let these things be collected in the treasure boxes until the end of the unit. Then what "booty" some of them will go home with!!!
Activities The Pirate: Someone on TA gave the idea for this book from an out of print book. The student colors only the part on each page that matches the text.
Spy Glass: Have each student paint a paper towel roll black and decorate it to look like a spy glass. Then use it to play "I Spy". They can use them for "spying" sight words, letters of the alphabet, compound words, rhyming words, shapes, etc.
Ship's Log: Have students use their journal as the ship's log.
Spelling Words Treasure Hunt: Hide the plastic letters that would be used to create a list of spelling words in a sand table or plastic bin of sand. Students must dig through the sand to find the letters to create the list of words. Make sure you provide a master list of the words for them to use to create their own words. You may also want to have them write their words after they've created them to "cement" the process.
(My students do a similar activity weekly with their spelling words, minus the sand table. They create their spelling words using plastic letter tiles on Spelling Work Mats. The mats are simply pieces of construction paper that's been divided into horizontal sections big enough to fit the letter tiles with a black Sharpie marker and then laminated. This helps them to keep their work organized. So you might want to provide something similar.)
This activity could also be used for sight words , short vowel words, or other type words as long as you had a follow up where they read the words to someone, matched them to a picture, etc. Unless your objective was just to have them learn to spell them.
Treasure Words Bottles: Fill an empty, clear, plastic bottle 3/4 full with clean, dry sand and put the letters for a spelling, sight word, word family, etc. inside using beads. (the beads with letters on them) Label the cap of each bottle with a number. Don't forget to make yourself a key as you're creating each bottle! :) Provide the student with a copy of the response sheet that contains a list of the words in the bottles. If needed you can section off the middle columns into boxes for each word so that the student will know how many letters to look for in each bottle or simply put a box in the right hand corner of each box with the number of letters in the word.
Each student will take a bottle and a response sheet and turn the bottle exposing the letters in the sand. They will write the letters they see in the bottle in the middle column until they have all the letters identified (this is why you might need to let them know how many letters they're looking for). Once they've found all their letters, they will unscramble those letters to create one of the words on the Word List. Once they've found all the Treasure Words in each bottle, then they get a token or some booty for their treasure chest! :) (several students can work on this activity at one time)
Pirate Name Flags: I'm working on this idea for creating a "flag" using the letters of the student's name. Each student's flag would actually be made of mini flags depending upon the number of letters in their name plus one. Each mini flag would be the size of half a sheet of black construction paper cut horizontally glued to a "mast" made of a strip of white construction paper. The first mini flag would either be a "Jolly Roger" (a skull and crossbones) OR a saying like "Ahoy, Mates!" This would be done in white. Then flying underneath that flag would be the number of flags corresponding to the letters that they have in their name. For ex. my first flag would be a "C" and I would have to match a picture to it that begins with the same beginning sound. The next flag would be and "I" with a matching picture. The next flag would be an "N", then "D", then "Y." The letters will be done in white and they'll color or paint the pictures and glue them on their flags as well as the letters.
I have one student who won't be ready for matching all beginning sounds, so she'll only try to put the letters of her name in the correct order and we'll work on letter identification.
When I get some black construction paper and an example done, I'll add a photo for this. I can see it in my mind, I just hope it works out as well. I want to use it when we start back to school in the fall. My students are excited about doing this unit as it's something they requested to do.
Sept. 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Sorting: Collect all sorts of "treasures" and have students sort into sets. Store the treasures in a miniature treasure chest.
McDonald's Happy Meal: As of right now (7/15/06), you can get pirate treasure in your Happy Meals. Yesterday my husband and I were both the recipients of a talking skull. Ok, it doesn't really talk, but it does answer yes or no questions. You ask it a question, then look under it's eye patch and it will show you a "yes" or "no" answer. For instance, I asked it if I would get a new house. My answer was, "No way, matey." Arrrrggghhh! Someone's going to walk the plank!!!!!!!! ;) I put the question to the TA group as to how I would use this in my classroom and Lisa came up with the idea of using it in a small group and having the students ask it a question, then graphing the yes/no answers. You could also teach tally marks by tallying the answers as well. Social Studies: Learn about the continents and oceans Culminating Activity: As a culminating activity, have a real treasure hunt with the booty being party supplies for a Pirate Party!
Resources The Great Pirate Activity Book (Kingfisher Press 1-85697-578-9) Veggie Tales - Pirates Who Won't Do Anything Rupert - The Wrong Word Pirate with CD Jack Hartman - Silly Pirate Songs
Links Patch, the Pirate emergent reader
Treasure Trove Pirate Theme
Fun Activities for Kids
Pirate Island (scroll down)
A to Z Kid Stuff Pirates
Kid Recipes for Pirate Party
Treasure Map printable
How to Talk Like a Pirate printable
Talk Like a Pirate (translator)
Pirate Party Invitation (printable)
Test Your Pirate IQ printable
Pirate Crafts
Pirate Party
Pirate Activities
Pirates Past Noon
pirate printables (scroll down)
Tons of Great Pirate Stuff
The Pirate Unit
Pirate Graphics & Coloring Pages