Gingerbread Books:
* The Gingerbread Doll ~ Susan Tews
Maisy Makes Gingerbread ~ Lucy Cousins
* The Cookie-Store Cat ~
Cynthia Rylant
Gingerbread Playdough:
3/4 C all purpose flour
1/2 C salt
1 1/2 t powdered alum or cream
of tartar
1 1/2 t vegetable oil
1/2 C boiling water
brown paste food coloring
1 1/2 t pumpkin pie spice
In a medium bowl add first 3
ingredients and mix. Then add water and oil; mix. Add spice and food
coloring; mix. Then knead dough until smooth. Store in airtight
December Kindergarten Reproducible
Activities from The Mailbox (TEC967)
*Mouse Makes a Gingerbread House
Position Words Activities & Reproducibles
from The Mailbox Kindergarten Dec/Jan 2003
Gingerbread Thematic Unit TCM 3101
A few years back we did a Gingerbread
Unit that included all the books above and then some. So we
decorated the doorway to our classroom (this was in the old building, not
where we're at now) to look like you were entering a gingerbread house.
We incorporated the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretal with the
story of the Gingerbread Man and had the little old woman and the little
old man looking through the window to see if they could see the
Gingerbread Man. Little did they know the Gingerbread Man was
peeking out the other window to see if he could them! :)
The Gingerbread Men
that you see on the door were Take-Home Projects. Each student
took a gingerbread man shape copied onto brown construction paper home
with them to decorate. Their families were encouraged to help them
and to be as creative as possible. We had some very creative
parents! One gingerbread man had tiny sliced red pepper eyes with
a candy stuck in the middle!
A Gingerbread
Mom made a surprise the other day.
She gave it to me on a lovely tray.
A gingerbread cookie
with buttons so neat-
But best of all he was good to eat!
~ Author Unknown
Gingerbread Children
Gingerbread children
Stand in a row.
Very good children
Always you know.
They never will jump
Or kick or leap,
Or start to cry when
It's time to sleep.
They never run off
Or look around.
And no one has heard
Them make a sound.
Gingerbread children
Are fine to meet,
But, much better still,
They're good to eat!
~ Author Unknown
Gingerbread, gingerbread
A double treat.
Delightful to look at,
Delicious to eat!
~ Author Unknown |
is a quick and easy gingerbread recipe. The mixing and the baking
are done in a 5-ounce paper cup. The finished product will be a cup
of gingerbread, not a gingerbread cookie.
*Betty Crocker Gingerbread Mix has about 54 Tablespoons of
gingerbread mix in the package.
Bakery: Turn your kitchen or
dramatic play area into a bakery! Provide students with gingerbread
playdough, cookie cutters, plastic beads, plastic string, chef's hats,
aprons, mixing bowls, wooden spoons, cookie sheets, rolling pins, and
spatulas. After they've "mixed up the dough", rolled and cut out the
cookies, have them use the beads and plastic string to decorate their
cookies before popping them into the oven! Mmmm ... they'll love it!
* plastic string - that's probably not
the real name for this item. I've seen it in different colors in
Wal-Mart. It's made for kids to string plastic beads onto for
necklaces or bracelets, so it will be in the craft section of the store.
Sequencing: Read Maisy Makes
Gingerbread. After several readings, have students tell how to
make gingerbread. Then have each step from the book written on a
sentence strip and the students sequence them in the pocketchart.
Accompanying pictures from the book can be used as well. Just copy
the pictures from the book and reduce them to 4 inches or less.
* the pictures can be used to match to
the sentence strips or to sequence the pictures alone.
Gingerbread Unit
Gingerbread People
G is for Gingerbread
Easy Gingerbread Cookie Mix in a Jar
The History of Gingerbread
Gingerbread Pancakes
Gingerbread Time
Gingerbread Stories
Annie's Gingerbread Page
CMA Gingerbread Castles