Information provided for classroom use only; not for publication. 2005


Get   Up

and  Go!


by Stuart J. Murphy




The book is narrated by the dog and centers around a timeline that he's keeping while he's trying to get the girl to get up and get dressed to go to school.  So some of the activities I've chosen to create using doggie things.


Coordinating Unit: Dog Days



Hook:  Who has a pet? 

Record names of students, how many they have, types of pets (2 dogs, 1 cat) and the names of the pets on a large chart.  (A big paw print chart would be cute.)  Or, you can record them on paper and transfer them later to a chart.  Great environmental print for Read the Room Station.  You can use this information later for creating math word problems, sorting, graphing, etc.  If you can get them to bring in ONE picture of their pet(s), you can create a matching activity where the students try to match the classmate to their pets, and then another activity trying to match the pets to the pet's names.


Vocabulary Matching Cards: Use these printable vocabulary matching cards for small group work.  Print on cardstock and laminate.


Vocabulary Matching Cards


Scavenger Hunt - This scavenger hunt was created and shared by Alice Thomas.  I use them as sponge activities for when we're getting ready to start our reading lesson. 


Scavenger Hunt


Sequencing: I'm using the pictures/words, along with two different timelines for my students to use when sequencing the events in the story.  I scanned the small event pictures from the book and used them to create picture cards with the word on it as well.  I'm going to create a tally mark number line similar to the one in the book on a sentence strip, and the student will place the pictures in the correct order underneath the timeline in the appropriate place.  The tally marks will be a different color for each event, so they'll have to understand the concept of the tally mark groupings so they'll know where to place the cards correctly. 


I'm going to create a different timeline using small clocks on brightly colored bulletin board border.  The border connects to the blanket in the book.  The clocks will tick off the time for each event of the story and the students will place the correct picture card under each clock to sequence the events.  This will help them to visualize how the clock hands move with the passage of time.  I'm using a school bus for the last picture. 





Timeline Addition: I created this math activity to coordinate with the timeline in the book.  Print the cards on cardstock, laminate and cut out.  Students match the timeline with the correct addition number sentence.  When they've mastered that skill, have them use a Vis-a-Via pen to write a number sentence for each timeline.

Timeline Addition


Cloze/Rhyming Activity: Use some similar sentences from the book to see if your students can figure out the missing rhyming words.  I'm going to print the following sentences on sentence strips and leave a blank for the missing rhyming word.  I'll print the missing word at the end of the strip and laminate them.  Then I'll just cut the word off the strip for the students to use to fill in the missing word.  You can put the words in the bottom of the pocketchart as a "word bank."  (I'll have to really help the kids with these to start with.  Lots of reading practice in the pocketchart.)


You're always so slow.

Let's get up and ____. (go)


Just 5 minutes more to snuggle with Teddy.

If you don't get up you'll never by ______.  (ready)


A 3 minute stop - that's all I'll take.

I'd better see how much time that will _____. (make)


She's already late - so I'd better try

to keep careful track of the time going ____.  (by)


I like breakfast the most.

I only wish that she'd give me some ______.  (toast)


She gave me a treat.

Now I'm ready to _____.  (eat)


She has a lot to do.

I'd better keep track of these minutes, _____.  (too)


She has to brush her teeth and her hair.

She's running late, but I'm sure she doesn't _____.  (care)


7 minutes to dress, that's all I need.

Unless you play or sit down to ______.  (read)


She's taking so long, I do not know why.

I'd better check to see how much time has gone _____.  (by)


She needs to pack all the things she can find.

I make sure she doesn't leave her homework _____.  (behind)


In one minute she'll be out the door.

I wish she had time for one hug _____.  (more)


She was almost too late.

But now she's gone so everything is _____.  (great)


Now we know how much time it took her to get ready,

since she woke up and snuggled with ______.  (Teddy)


Getting her ready isn't all that fun,

but now she's gone and my work is _____.  (done)


Everything's cool and I'm feeling fine.

The rest of the day is totally _______.  (mine)


Doggie Path Game: I created this game as a generic gameboard so it could be used to reinforce different skills.  Because the footprints are different colors, you could work on colors/color words.  I created bones with the Primer and First Grade level sight words.  If the student can read the word, they move their dog bone (real Milk Bone treat) one space.  The first one to the doghouse is the "Champ."  You could roll a die to practice counting and move forward that many spaces, you could use a die with numbers for number recognition.  You could create your own LARGE cube to roll, from a box and cover it.  Then program it with colors, color words, etc. and let them move to that color.  There's lots of ways to use the board.




Katie's Morning emergent reader


Vocabulary Planning Sheet








Hit Counter


updated 4.4.10