Information provided on this page is for classroom use only; not for publicaiton. thevirtualvine.com 2004
by Bill Martin, Jr. & John Archambault
A told B, and B told C, I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree.
But when all the letters of the alphabet race up the tree ... Oh, no! Chicka chicka BOOM! BOOM!
Once you get started on this book, it can lead you into so many directions. You can slide into an ocean or summer unit, or branch out and go the way of the monkey .. Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed, Caps for Sale, etc. Because I'll have basically my same Language Arts class from last year, minus a couple, I'm going to start the year with this book and use it as a re-introduction and review of the letters and sounds. Where we'll end up ... who knows! Chicka Chicka, BOOM BOOM!!! :)
Reading Center: You can create a HUGE palm tree for your Reading Center. (link for instructions below) But, if that's a little more than you'd like to take on, you can erect a beach umbrella instead and accompany it with a beach chair and a cooler or beach bag to hold your thematic books! This Center will be sure to have repeat visitors! Don't forget the sunshades (light tinted or minus the lens) and if you're adventurous maybe a dot of tanning lotion to complete the ambiance! :)
ABC Books: Don't forget to stock your Reading Center with lots of ABC books!
Coconut Bowling: I love this idea! Use a real coconut for a bowling ball and create bowling pins that resemble coconut trees. The pins can be made from two liter soft drink bottles with a couple of inches or so of water or sand in the bottom to weight them down. Then hot glue a brown tree trunk to the front of the bottle and a green tree top to the side of the lid. If you want to be very creative, make tree tops using green pipecleaners and green felt. Cut the tree top then glue the pipecleaners to the bottom of the leaves and bend down to form the 3D tree top. Hot glue the tree top to the soft drink bottle top. I have no idea how this will hold up during play as I just came up with the idea. Hmmm ... I wonder if those soft drink bottles can be painted brown. I'll bet they can!!!
Story Props: I purchased story props for this story from Lakeshore called 5 Little Monkeys Sing Along Activity. It has a stuffed tree made from felt (sand inside to weight it down) and letters with velcro on back. It also has 5 stuffed monkeys, and an alligator puppet. But if you wanted to make your own, use the soft drink bottle idea from above. Wrap a piece of brown felt around the bottle and hot glue it down. You'll have to be creative at the top where the opening gets so much smaller. Instead of using cloth letters, glue a dot of velcro on back of magnetic letters and you're set to go!
Story Retelling: I bought a large (5 ft) palm tree that's flat and mounted it to the side of my large storage cabinet. The kids used magnetic letters to retell the story. I also purchased plastic coconuts that open up from the party supply store to keep the magnetic letters in. When not in use, they just sit at the base of the tree.
Art: Paint bottom of student's forearm brown and press onto large piece of light blue construction paper. Use green handprints to form top of coconut tree by pressing hands upside-down and overlapping. Smear glue around base of tree and across page then sprinkle with sand. Add letters going up tree once it's dry by using stamps, stickers, circle stickers programmed with letters, alphabet cereal, alphabet pasta, etc. This can also be used as the cover to a book.
We did not have the large size blue construction paper, so I used yellow instead. This was done in the Creation Station. And I forgot to add the sand. :( The students were flashed the ABCs, and they received the matching sticker for each letter they knew to put on their project where ever they chose.
Taste Test a Coconut: Purchase a couple of coconuts from the produce section of your grocery store. Put one in your Discovery Center for individual observation later. Before opening the other, pass it around to your students and let them observe what the coconut looks like, feels like and sounds like. More than likely, they've never seen one. Then have them help to complete a chart such as the one below:
After they've completed the first 3 columns, then open the coconut. This part is tricky. The coconut is VERY tough. You can hammer a nail or screwdriver into the eyes and drain the juice. If I remember correctly this isn't the part you want to taste. It's HORRIBLE! Then crack and open the coconut with a hammer and taste the coconut "meat." Then have the students finish completing the chart.
If the part of the coconut shell with the "eyes" is still in tact, you might use it to create a face. The three "holes" provide two eyes and a nose. Add a mouth, some hair and maybe some eyelashes! :)
Coconut Facts * The coconut is the fruit of the palm tree. * A palm tree grows in tropical places. * Coconuts grow in clusters. * A healthy tree produces 100 coconuts a year. * It takes a year for a coconut to ripen. * When a coconut is ripe, it falls from the tree. * It takes 7 to 8 years for a tree to start producing coconuts. * Coconut is used in such foods as candy, pies, cakes, and other foods. ~ adapted from Lasting Lessons ~
Another Taste Test: Have your students take a taste of each of the following things (or your choice) and then have them graph the results for their favorite or whether or not they like a particular item. :coconut pie :coconut cake :Snowballs (round coconut cakes) :Almond Joy :fruit cake
Down by the A-B-Sea: We did this activity adapted from Lasting Lessons and it was fun. I took a piece of white posterboard and wrote each letter of the alphabet in two vertical columns. Beside each letter, I drew a line. (Actually I did this on the computer, printed it, then enlarged it onto the posterboard using my overhead projector. I did this because I can't stand it when lines and text aren't straight! :) ) Then I had it laminated. (You can add some cute clipart as well.)
As a group, the children tried to come up with a word for each letter of the alphabet (if possible keep with the CCBB or beachy theme). You add the words to the chart using a Vis-a-Via pen. Each day they keep trying to come up with words until the chart is completed. Since I laminated mine the last time, I'm good to go this go-round!
ABCs: Print the ABCs, one letter per page using a hollow font, onto cardstock. Cut out each letter and have the students add something (or lots of things) to each letter that begins with that letter sound. For instance:
When all the letters are complete, display them cha-cha-ing down the hallway, around the classroom or up a coconut tree.
5.13.05 - Our letters have been finished and hanging in our hallway all year. Now that it's time to take them down, thought I'd better get a pic first! These were done by the children. They were given instructions on what to do and provided the materials. They enjoyed creating these and once they were dry we used them for reviewing letters and sounds before hanging them in the hallway.
Word Wall: If you're using an alphabetical Word Wall, you can use the letters created above as your alphabet. Just display them cha-cha-ing across the wall and place your words under the appropriate beginning letter. If you wanted, you could even put your words on coconuts. So that they were very visible, cut a brown circle and then make a smaller white circle. Glue the white circle on top of the brown and program it with your word. It will look like the word is on the inside of the coconut.
Another idea was to use the CCBB background (like on this page) to back your Word Wall words. I gave it a shot at making these cards where you could download the Word document, open the document in Word, then type your own words in the text box and print. To find the text box, start the cursor at the end the words I've programmed on each card and backspace. You'll need to choose your own font and size unless you have the one I used. I used Primer Print at size 85. (It's a smaller font than most.) We'll see if this works. If you try it and it does or doesn't, please let me know. Oh, and one last thing ... print on cardstock and laminate the cards. They will then last you years! You can also use them for flashcards as well.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Word Cards
ABC Order: I also created some larger cards for ABC Order. They work just like the cards above. Delete what I've written and enter your own words.
ABC, You and Me: Lasting Lessons also has a reproducible page of a coconut tree covered in lowercase letters. I used this to have my students match capital letter alphabet pasta to them. They glued the capital letter over the lowercase letter. Problem: the pasta was/is VERY small and my children had problems finding the needed letter and then picking it up to glue onto the page. LLs suggests using AlphaBits cereal. The problem I've found with that is all of the letters are not in the box.
ABC, Yummy to Me! Treats: Instead of making Rice Krispy Treats, make CCBB Treats. Replace Rice Krispies with alphabet cereal and coco puffs. Now your treats have letters and coconuts! :) submitted by Beth
Chicka Chicka Bingo: Use your computer to create Chicka Chicka Bingo cards! Set up a table or grid and add a palm tree, coconut, or another appropriate picture in the center of the card as a "free space." Then fill the rest of the card in with random lowercase letters, capital letters, or a mixture of both. Print on cardstock and laminate. Each student should have their own card, and each card should be different (unless you don't mind having multiple winners each time). To increase the difficulty of the game a little, call out the letter sounds instead of the letters!
CCBB Hat: Cut a sentence strip in half vertically (or you can use the whole strip, it just makes the hat wider). Use green strips if you have them. Then attach 4 - 5 palm leaves sticking out from the hat. Kind of like an umbrella hat. There are leaf patterns here, but they may have to be enlarged ( http://www.dltk-teach.com/t/books/ccoconuttree.htm ). You'll have to add a tab for gluing or stapling to the band.
Bulletin Board: Another popular activity with teachers for this unit is to create a door or bulletin board using the caption "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Look Who's In Mrs. ____'s Room!" or something similar. Then the children's pictures or names can be added to the board on coconuts or letters. Using the colors from the book makes it look really cool!
This is Kelly's bulletin board and her explanation of how she created it:
Someone else said they took this even a step farther and they added coconuts with their children's picture and a die-cut letter for the first letter in their name. Thanks Kelly for sharing your idea and picture. ;) I LOVE the idea of using leis for a border. Too cool!!
This is my bulletin board. I used the Carson Delosa tree on orange bulletin board paper with magenta pink construction paper trim to which I added orange circle stickers. Then I added my students' names; some students' individual letters going up the tree and some students' names already on the tree. It was about a month before my kids realized their name was on the tree. :) This is definitely one of my favorite bulletin boards, but there is room for improvement. This board is so small, its just hard to get much stuff to fit!
The Alphabetic Shell Game: If you can find real or plastic coconut shell halves, you can play the shell game. You'll need 3 shells. Turn the 3 shells upside-down on a table. Place a magnetic letter underneath ONE shell. Then slide the shells around and around, but always staying in a horizontal line (similar to weaving in and out of traffic). Then let a student try to pick which shell the letter is under. If they're correct and can name the letter (or sound), then they get the letter. The one with the most letters wins.
If you don't have shells, you can use small wooden bowls or even plastic cups.
Sand Pudding: I'll never forget when I served this to my students. It's so real looking, they actually thought they were eating pudding with sand on top!!! :) You can do this ahead of time (if you want to trick them) or do it with your class. Fix instant vanilla pudding and put into individual paper or plastic cups. Grind vanilla wafers into a very fine crumbs (practically dust) using a food processor. Pour onto the top of the vanilla pudding and serve. It's yummy!!
ABC Sequencing: Create a palm tree (or use a page of a palm tree notepad) and attach it to a whole or half sheet of construction paper and laminate. Students can use the magnetic letters to sequence the ABCs climbing to the top of the coconut tree.
Counting Mats: This precious idea came from my online friend, Carol. She created math counting mats using the colors of the book. She attached a smaller piece of orange construction paper to a large sheet of magenta construction paper and off-set it like the book cover. Then she added a notepad page of a palm tree with a black number on the trunk. At the top of the mat, on the pink section, she placed enough corresponding orange circles (garage sale stickers would work) to match the number on the tree. The dots are useful for those students who are still learning to identify their numbers. Then as counters, she used brown pom-poms for coconuts. The students count the correct number of coconuts onto each tree. Too cute! Thanks for sharing, Carol!
This is my version of Carol's math mats, since I don't have all the cutesy-tootsy things that she has to work with. :) This one is made using Ellison cut-outs and I reversed the colors from the book. The reason I did that is, if you make everything with the pink on the bottom, you're going to end up with a lot of pink pieces of paper left over. By swapping them up, you don't use/waste so much paper.
Update 7.28.04: this is my new and improved math mats. Much closer to Carol's version. Palm tree notepad pages from SHAPES, ETC, orange stickers for the dots, and 2 inch black stick-on numbers. The palm tree notepads come in large and small. They are Large Notepad Palm Tree - SE-0098. The website for SHAPES is www.shapesetc.com
I still can't find brown pompoms, so I may have to go with brown felt circles. Someone online mentioned using the brown felt circles already precut for putting on the bottom of chair legs. I think they're sticky on one side though, so you'd still end up having to adhere them to cardstock or something and recutting them. However, that would make them even sturdier. A hint about the orange stickers ... don't buy the multi-colored pack. They do sell packs with just orange stickers. You'll have to buy too many packs if you go with the multi colors. One solid color pack did all my math mats with some left over. And they are full page mats (9x12). I did 1 - 20, so to get 20 coconuts on the mat, they needed to be big. ** And I finally figured out how to get my scanner to adjust the colors!
Update on these math mats: When you're laminating and cutting them out, make sure you leave a seal on the laminating film. If you cut right up to the paper, then places where the two pieces of construction paper are glued may come apart. I just learned this the hard way! I've got to go back and reglue some of mine. :(
ABC Flashcards: You can create coordinating flashcards to jazz up your drill or Center activities. I'm making two sets. One with capital & lowercase letters, and one set with the capitals and lowercase letters separate. The latter set can by used for matching capitals to lowercase as well, and all can be used for sequencing.
Letters and Sounds: Use the format from the math counting mat and instead program your tree with a picture. Then program the coconuts with letters. The students will match the correct letter to the correct picture.
Matching Letters: Use the same format from above, but program your tree with a capital letter and your coconuts with a lowercase letter. Students will match the correct lowercase letter to the correct palm tree.
Retelling Center Activity: Paint a coconut tree onto a magnetic cookie sheet. Students use magnetic letters to retell story. This can also be used in Take-Home Totes.
Numbers: Numbers should be able to climb the coconut tree as well! :) Create some number cards for students to use while the numbers climb the coconut tree. We traced our numbers with colored glue to make them a little more tactile.
CCBB Books: This is a class book to make to go along with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. The first page is the title page for the teacher to fill in her name. Make enough copies of the second page for each child to have a page to draw a self-portrait in the box or insert a photo of the student. Put it together and let the children take turns taking it home with them to read with their families. I also made an individual book for the students to make. Shared by D. Craft. Thanks for sharing! :)
Chicka Shaker: Barb created this cool shaker for her students to shake when reading CCBB. She purchased skewers from Oriental Trading that had coconut trees and the monkey on one end. She broke them off so that they would fit tightly, and stuffed them into small water bottles and added ABC confetti; you could add ABC beads or other things with the alphabet as well. She also suggested that you might want to add additional glue to secure the coconuts as they do tend to come off with violent shaking! :) Thanks Barb for sharing your idea! :)
Listening Center: Read the CCBB book aloud to the students and have they read along with you and use their Chicka Shakers from above when appropriate. Record the reading on a cassette tape and add it and the book to your Listening Center. Your kids will be sure to visit to hear their favorite rendition of CCBB ... themselves! :)
Chicka Chase: The very same Barb, creative genius that she is :), that created the Chicka Shaker above, took the Chicka Challenge to create this Back to School Search for all the Lost Letters. You can use it at the beginning of the school year to help orientate your students to the school grounds. Thanks Barb for taking the bait and rising to the challenge! :) We knew you could do this!!!! Now The Search ...
What I envision is hiding the alphabet letters in sequence along your route. You could use magnetic letters, foam letters, Ellison letters, etc. The kids will collect them as you go...for example, hang up the a, b, and c somewhere between your room and the library, and as you walk along that route, have 3 students collect them as you pass. Hang the d, e, f, and g up along your route from the library to the PE area, etc.
We have a CCBB tree from Oriental Trading in our class, so the last verse will lead us back there. By the time you get back to the room, you should have the whole alphabet. Some kids may have to hold more than one letter if you're lucky enough to have a small class! Once you get them all back there, you can play a game with the letters or do some kind of activity with sequencing them or something. You should also have a surprise/treat of some kind waiting for them...
“Whee!” said D to E,
F, G,
CCBB, will there be
enough room?
CCBB, will there be
enough room?
Still more – W
Skit skat skoodle doot ~ Barb
Chicka Chicka, 1 2 3 Number Hunt: Miranda and Brandy wanted to use the new CCBB book with numbers for their hunt, so they got to together and this is what happened ....
Of course all good
ideas are ones that have been "piggybacked" from someone else's....I
found the CCBB scavenger hunt idea that was created by Barb
(excellent!). I told a friend of mine who teaches Pre-K about it.
She wanted to use it but wanted to use numbers instead. We hear
there's a new CCBB book out about numbers, but neither of us have read
it yet. So, we rewrote Barb's scavenger hunt like this:
1 told 2 and 2
told 3,
"I'll meet you
where we check out books for free."
"Whee!" said 4 to
"I'll beat you to
the place where we sing and jive."
CCBB, will there
be enough room?
Here comes 6 up
the coconut tree,
And 7 and 8,
Won't it be great!
All on their way
to the gym where we play.
CCBB, will there
be enough room?
Look who's
Number 9,
In the lunchroom
cafe is where we'll dine.
Still one more,
Number 10,
All the numbers in
the office together again...OH, NO!
Chicka Chicka BOOM
Let's go quickly,
Away we flee,
Everybody running
back to the coconut tree.
Boys and girls
And teachers and
Will find a
Where the story
Thanks to Barb for
the inspiration!!
Thanks guys for sharing! I know it's going to be a hit with both teachers and students! :)
Story Souvenir: Have each student create their own CCBB coconut tree. Use a paper towel roll to form the trunk of the tree (paint brown if you'd like), add green palm leaves made from construction paper and brown pompoms for coconuts. Glue alphabet cereal or pasta to the trunk. Chicka Wow Wow! :)
ABC Tree Treat!: Recipe cards in K Aug/Sept '03
Alphabet Sounds: This would be a big undertaking, but maybe plausible if you were going to do a classroom theme of CCBB or you just REALLY liked this book ... purchase 26 of those plastic coconuts, program each with a letter, and then collect enough small items that begins with that sound to go in each. Then the kids could sort the items according to the beginning sound and place them in the correct coconut. If you do Letter of the Week, you'd only pull out the one for that week and then keep adding to they were all out.
This would also work really well for rhyming objects and you wouldn't have to have so many coconuts. Lakeshore sells something similar, sans the coconuts of course! :)
The Alphabet Tree: Read The Alphabet Tree by Leo Leonni. I don't have this book, but it sounds like a perfect literacy extension.
Sand Table: Of course hide letters in your sand table for your students to scoop out! You can use plastic or foam letters ... even magnetic letters! A sand pail, shovel, sea shells, or coconut shells wouldn't be too out of place either.
Coconuts: Oriental Trading has plastic coconuts for drinking. These are perfect for creating activities for this unit. The open in half so that you can place things inside, but have a nice flat bottom so that they sit well.
Names: Have students create a coconut tree using ideas from this page or one of your own. Then provide them with letter stamps, cereal, pasta, or stickers to create their own name on the trunk of the tree.
Coconut Trees: I can't remember now if I've put this idea on the page, so I'm adding it again. I know I thought about it, because I've already started saving my paper towel rolls. Collect empty paper towel rolls to use as the base of student created coconut trees. You can either leave them brown as they are, or paint them .. don't know how the painting will work as far as getting them saturated and the roll coming apart. Try this first before doing it with your class. I know I've painted toilet tissue rolls and it's been fine. Cut palm leaves from green construction paper and glue to the top of the roll to create the tree. Give students stick on letters, alphabet cereal or pasta, or foam letters to glue on their tree either in random order or to form their name.
Becky's idea was to use their handprints for the palm leaves. Cute! Thanks for sharing, Becky. :)
ABC Puzzles: Evelisa offered to share the ABC Circle Puzzle printables that she made. You can download them in color or black and white. Thanks, Evelisa for sharing! :)
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Alphabet Circle Puzzles - color Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Alphabet Circle Puzzles - black & white
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Bingo: Evelisa has been at it again and has created printable bingo cards to share.
Chicka Boom Back to School Postcards: As requested, this postcard was created by Evelisa for teachers to send to their students before school begins to welcome them into their classroom. What a great idea! Print on cardstock.
Here's also a cropped version of the postcard that can be resized if needed. I know some of you are trying to save printer ink and some don't know how to resize for printing, so maybe this will help. Hope Evelisa doesn't mind.
Jan's Jungle:
At the end of the year some super parents helped me create this Chicka
Chicka hallway to prepare for our summer program that begins next week.
It is so cute. My door is a tree house. It is a work in progress and
this week I am doing my classroom. I have not added it to my webpage
yet ( too many other things going on) but I thought I would share with
you. Since we have a BEAR theme, we incorporate our BEARS giving
them a jungle look. Thanks for your great work! Jan
click on image to enlarge
Palm Tree Tee: Sandy was asked to design a t-shirt to coordinate with this unit and she did. You add your own letters or numbers, or both, and you'll be ready to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom or Chicka Chicka 123! :) Foam letters can be sewn on or letter/number buttons. Cute! *Remember ... don't dry foam letters! lol :)
Coconut Playdough: Just had a great idea! Create some coconut scented playdough for your Fine Motor Station! Make your favorite play dough recipe and add a few drops of coconut extract. It should smell yummy! You might even try adding the coconut extract to commercial, non-scented, white playdough. I can't wait to give this a try!
CCBB Gameboard: Lori and her teaching partner designed this printable gameboard. It's an open-ended board that you can use with any skill. I created the blank cards to go with it so you could create game cards if you chose. Thanks for sharing, Lori!! :)
CCBB I Have, Who Has Game: Also, created by Lori and her partner.
CCBB I Have, Who Has Game printable
Chicka Chicka 123 I Have, Who Has Game: You guessed it, created by Lori St. Amand and Chris Binicki at Templemead School in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Thanks again for sharing! :)
Chicka Chicka 123 I Have, Who Has Game printable
Beach Party: We finished up our unit with a beach party! If you have a sandbox at your school, carry the party outside .. or better yet, go on a field trip to the beach! :) Have your kids wear appropriate beach apparel for your environment. We kept our party indoors and had:
* beachy music playing (Beach Boys, reggae, etc.) * beach towels on the floor to sit on * applied tanning lotion to involve our sense of smell (check for allergies ahead of time) * wore sunshades * made and wore leis * read lots of theme appropriate books under the beach umbrella * listened to the story and played the games on the CCBB CD * ate coconut fruit salad (oranges, coconut, pineapple, bananas, cherries ... you can even add miniature marshmallows) * drank fruit juice (orange, pineapple, banana) * blow up a beach ball or two and have fun batting it around! * have ABC cookies are Jello-Jigglers * can serve sand pudding (recipe above) * fruit kabobs * coconut cookies (recipe above) * Hawaiian Punch juice boxes * ABC Trees (recipe above)
Leis for the Party: Cut out flowers from bright colored construction paper. String onto yarn with colored pasta in-between to separate the flowers. Looks very pretty when finished!
Sunshades: I also purchased a pink pair of those HUGE sunshades to wear at the party for fun. The kids thought they were hilarious! :)
Coconut Warning ~ Author Unknown ~
- Chant - Teacher: I said, "Boom Chicka Boom" Students: echo Teacher: I said, "Rocka Chicka Boom" Students: echo Teacher: I said, "Boom Chicka, Rocka Chicka, Rocka Chicka Boom" Students: echo Teacher: Let's sing it one more time in baby talk. repeat chant
*other ways: slow, fast, monster talk, dog talk, cat talk, whispers, etc. ~ Author Unknown ~
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom video (Scholastic) Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book and cassette Literature Notes - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Chicka Chicka Boom Boom CD Chicka Chicka Sticka Sticka ABC, 123, and the Coconut Tree ~ Lasting Lessons ABC Chicka Boom With Me and Other Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Songs & Activities ~ J. Archambault & D. Plummer Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Treats - The Mailbox Kindergarten June/July 2001 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - The Mailbox Kindergarten Aug/Sept 2003 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - The Mailbox Kindergarten Aug/Sept 2001 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - The Mailbox Kindergarten Feb/Mar 2003 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - The Mailbox Kindergarten Aug/Sept 1998 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - The Mailbox Primary Oct/Nov 1997 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - The Mailbox Primary Aug/Sept 2003 The Alphabet Tree by Leo Leonni Alphabet Mystery by Bill Martin, Jr. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - Teacher's Helper Kindergarten Aug/Sept 2004
The Alphabet Tree (emergent reader) http://www.teachersbookbag.com/abcs.html
Letter Matching printable http://www.archjrc.com/childsplace/chickaalphamatch.html
Chicka Chicka http://www.mrsbonthuisclass.com/Chicka.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.geocities.com/i_love_teaching_prek/chicka.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Thematic Unit http://www.thelearningleap.com/chickachicka.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom ABCs http://www.auburn.edu/~murraba/illum/haylesel.html
Our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Room! http://www.kinderthemes.com/chickaboomtree.html
CIMC Integrated Units: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://libweb.uncc.edu/cimc/integration/Units/Chicka.htm
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom coloring pages http://www.dltk-kids.com/books/chicka/chickacoloring.htm
Chicka Challenge http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/523.html
Chicka Chicka Sticka Sticka Classroom Activities http://trumpetclub.com/early/activities/chickachicka.htm
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.hubbardscupboard.org/chicka_chicka_boom_boom.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.eduplace.com/tview/pages/c/Chicka_Chicka_Boom_Boom_Bill_Martin__Jr_.html
Fun With Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://atozteacherstuff.com/pages/104.shtml
Coconut Tree graphic http://www.girlpower.gov/girlarea/images/page7.gif
Coconut Paper Tree Craft http://www.dltk-kids.com/crafts/miscellaneous/mcoconut.htm
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Book Break http://www.dltk-kids.com/books/chicka/
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.kinderthemes.com/chickaboom.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://teachingheart.net/chickaboom.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree Activity http://www.fastq.com/~jbpratt/education/books/chickachicka.pdf
September Extras http://www.kinderhive.net/septextras.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Paper Craft http://www.dltk-teach.com/books/chicka/chickapapercraft.htm
Preschool Education Library: Book Ideas - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.preschooleducation.com/chicka.shtml
Boom Chicka Boom -- Songs for Teachers http://www.songsforteaching.com/ledbetter2.html
Chicka Chicka Quest (webquest) http://www.ottawaelem.lasall.k12.il.us/OES%20folder/OES/OES%20Webquest%202002/ McKinley2002/authors/McKinleyQuest/Chickawebquest/Chicka.html
A-Book-A-Week: Classroom Instruction - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/wil/Chicka_Lesson.pdf
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Coconut Tree http://www.theideabox.com/ideas.nsf/0/e730c2b906845565862567450014a167?OpenDocument
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.angelfire.com/mn/kellyshouse/preschoolroom/storyextenders/chickachicka.htm
Arms Up, Chicka Boom http://www.oregoncoast.com/tcods/songarmsup.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - Linking Technology and Literacy http://www.madison.k12.wi.us/tnl/langarts/techlit/chickachicka.htm
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree http://atozteacherstuff.com/pages/204.shtml
#1295 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/1295.html
#208 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/208.html
#816 Chicka Challenge http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/816.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.ri.net/schools/Central_Falls/ch/hurley/chicka.html
Uppercase and Lowercase Letters http://www.oswego.org/testprep/ela4/i/uplowcasetrccbb.cfm
Alphabet Theme http://www.fastq.com/~jbpratt/education/theme/alphabet/letter/letters.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/westonwoods/images/study_guides/chicka_chicka_boom_boom.pdf
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.auburn.edu/~murraba/chall/copelandbr.html
Zwolle Elem. School - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.sabine.k12.la.us/zes/chickachicka/default.htm
#134 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/134.html
#612 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/612.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Breakfast http://www.swlauriersb.qc.ca/schools/crestview/ls/Themes/chicka_boom.htm
Boom Chicka Boom http://www-scf.usc.edu/~troycamp/campers/songs.htm
First Grade Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.harlan.k12.ia.us/NP/first%20grade%20chicka%20chicka.htm
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - Kindergarten http://www.iowa-city.k12.ia.us/Schools/Wood/Schoolpage/grantlessons/chicka.htm
Kinder L - 2001 - May Archive (scroll down) http://kinder.cmsd.bc.ca/pipermail/kinder-l/2001-May/subject.html
Kinder L - 2000 - May Archive (scroll down) http://kinder.cmsd.bc.ca/pipermail/kinder-l/2000-May/subject.html
ECE Supersite - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://cwabacon.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/eced_ab/chapter0/custom37/deluxe-content.html
DLTK's Alphabuddies Crafts for Kids http://www.dltk-teach.com/alphabuddies/index.htm
Alphabet Stamps http://www.dltk-teach.com/alphabuddies/alphabet_stamps.htm
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/619.html
Now I know My ABCs http://www.mrsballingall.homestead.com/ABC.html
Boom Chicka Boom http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/8851/s4_4.htm
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - Teaching With Technology http://www.mckendree.edu/edu-tech/plans/reading/chicka.html
Chicka ABC http://www.hubbardscupboard.org/chicka_abc.html
CCBB Story Patterns (printables) http://kizclub.com/storypatterns/chickachicka(C).pdf http://kizclub.com/storypatterns/chickachicka.pdf
ABC Flashcards (printables) http://kizclub.com/flashcards.html
ABC Letter Cards (printables) http://kizclub.com/lettercards.html
At the Beach clipart (printables) http://kizclub.com/Clipart/beach.pdf
Sunglasses printable (color) http://kizclub.com/craft/sunglasses/sunglasses(C).pdf
Sunglasses printable (black/white) http://kizclub.com/craft/sunglasses/sunglasses.pdf
Alphabet Animals http://www.infostuff.com/kids/index.html
Chicka Chicka Choo Choo http://www.auburn.edu/~murraba/elucid/grenonbr.html
Teeny Tiny Alphabet Book (printable) http://www.bry-backmanor.org/actpag5.html
Chicka Tree Workmat http://www.ourschoolfamily.com/pdfs/Chicka%20Tree.pdf http://www.ourschoolfamily.com/pdfs/Chicka%20Chicka%20Letters.pdf
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom board (scroll down) http://www.hf.ecisd.net/esposito/classtour.htm
September Extras http://www.kinderhive.net/septextras.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom http://www.kn.sbc.com/wired/fil/pages/listsuperhigbe.html
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree http://www.mrspohlmeyerskinderpage.com/chickachickatree.htm
Chicka (tree) http://www.geocities.com/brtholomew/Chicka.html