provided on this page for classroom use only; not for reproduction. 2001

Mother's Day Activities and Ideas
Mom’s Love
Love is scaring away monsters in the middle of the night,
then again at
1:00 a.m.,
2:00 a.m.,
3:00 a.m. …
Love is reading the same bedtime story for the 999th time.
Love is a hug around the knees.
Love is watching Mr. Rogers instead of All My Children
Love is a refrigerator covered with creative works of art.
Love is standing in line for 2 hours for Raffi tickets.
Love is not grimacing through the dirtiest of diapers.
Love is trading in the Camero for a station wagon.
Love is the magic kiss that heals all “owies.”
Love is a cuddly kid in a blanket sleeper.
Love is the first kick, first smile, first laugh, first step,
first anything.
Love is your child pointing to a picture of Christie Brinkley and
Love is your child sound asleep, any child sound asleep.
Love is a macaroni necklace.
Love is wearing the macaroni necklace to church with pride.
Love is a peanut butter kiss, a syrup kiss, a chocolate kiss, any
kind of kiss.
Love is a bouquet of dandelions.
Love is the smell of a baby’s neck.
Love is saying “no” at the right times when it’s easier to say
Love is saying “yes” at the right times when it’s easier to say
~ Author Unknown
Dear Mom,
I will love you forever;
And forever you will be
The most wonderful mother,
You mean everything to me.
I thought of buying you flowers
In the usual way,
But I knew you would prefer
A FOREVER bouquet!
You could use this poem with some type of homemade flowers.
Card and Gift:
Read the book Five Minutes of Peace by Jill Murphy to your class
make the card and bath salts.
On the front of the card is a picture of a duck in a tub. Inside
the card is a poem:
Here's a gift for Mother's Day.
I'll try my best in every way.
But if you get upset with me...
Relax and soak!! Don't you agree?
For Mother's Day, I give you five minutes of peace!'
(Author Unknown)
You could use this with a small container of homemade bath salts.
make the bath salts, purchase Epson Salt and dye it with food
If you want to make it scented, add a drop of some type of scented
oil or
spray perfume on a cotton ball and seal it up in a bag the salt.
the cotton ball after a day or so, and the salt should have absorbed
the smell.

Mother’s Day Flowers: These could be used with the poem
above. Have
the students color coffee filters with markers. They do not have to
colored solid. Mist the filters with water and the colors will bleed
When dry, gather the filter at the center and twist on a pipe
cleaner for
the stem. Leaves can be cut from green construction paper and
onto the stem. One leaf could say "Happy Mother's Day" or "I love
you because..." and have the student complete the sentence.
You could also have each student make 3 of these flowers, then cut
out a photocopied vase and decorate it. Glue the sides and bottom
of the vase
onto a contrasting piece of construction paper and slide the 3
flowers into
the top of it. Glue the flower stems down. The poem from above
be typed, cut and pasted onto the construction paper.
For other types of flowers to make, visit the
Spring page of The Virtual
Poem and Tea:
Here's a gift for Mother's Day
I'll try my best in every way.
But when you get upset with me.
Relax and have a cup of tea.
Copy a teapot with lid detached, onto colored construction paper.
Have students decorate the teapot, and cut it and the lid out. Help
them to glue only the side and bottom edges of the teapot onto a
contrasting color of construction paper, leaving the top edge of the
pot “open”. Have them glue the top beside the pot as if it’s
resting on the table. When dry, the students will insert a teabag
into the top of the pot with the string and label hanging out. You
can either type up the poem and have the students glue
it onto the piece of construction paper with the pot, or type it up
and cut and paste it onto the pot before you copy it for the
Teacup Wishes: This idea is similar to the one above, but
uses a teacup instead of a teapot. The idea is from Frank
Schaffer’s SCHOOLDAYS magazine, Apr/May/June 1988. It has a pattern
of a teacup where it looks as if a teacup is standing on top of an
identical cup that is turned upside-down. When the students cut it
out, they do not cut in between the two, so that the bottom cup can
be folded up and it will form a two-sided cup. On the bottom cup
(upside-down) is a decoration. On the top cup (right side up) is
this poem:
A cup of tea to say thank you
For all the things you’ve done,
And wishes that the day will bring
You happiness and fun.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Copy this pattern onto construction paper, have the students
decorate and cut out (being sure NOT to cut between the two cups).
Help them to fold the bottom cup up and glue around the two side
only, leaving the top of
the cup open. When dry, a teabag is inserted into the top of the
My daughter also made one of these while in preschool, and I still
have it on my refrigerator (minus the tea). I removed the tea bag
and inserted a piece of a magnetic strip inside the cup, and now I
use it as a magnet on the refrigerator.
(tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
I love you little,
I love you lots.
I love you to fill 10 pots,
16 buckets,
15 cans,
3 teacups
and 4 dishpans!
Class Activity and Gift: Read the book I’ll Love You
Forever by ___________ or I’ll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm.
Provide the students with heart-shaped pages with the following
sentence starters:
My mom always says _____________________.
My mom cooks the best _________________. This is how she makes
My mom really loves _____.
My mom and I like to _________.
My mom's favorite clothes to wear are _________________________.
My mom is beautiful because she _______________________________.
Have students complete the sentence starters and cut out the
shapes. Provide them with a booklet cover using the same heart
shape with “I’ll Love You Forever” or “I’ll Always Love You” printed
on it. Have them decorate the heart and add ribbons or lace to the
edges. Don’t forget to provide them a spot for their name and the
date, for this is sure to be a collectable.
Mother’s Day Tea: Have your students create an invitation
inviting their moms or another special person in their life to tea.
Read an appropriate book to the group, then serve cake and punch.
You could also provide each mom/special person with a flower corsage
if available. The corsage could be as simple as a single flower
with a ribbon attached, or tissue
paper flower made by the students.
Alternate Menu for Tea: This menu sounds more inviting to
me for the Mother's Day Tea, especially since here in the South, the
weather is already starting to heat up.
Iced Raspberry Tea & Pink
Finger sandwiches (you know
that Iron Kids now sells crustless bread!)
Fresh strawberries and
confectioners sugar OR
New! 4.18.04
Strawberries Dipped in
Chocolate -
We used the
pre-packaged chocolate dip last summer for my daughter's reception.
I was shocked that these delicious looking treats were so easy to
make. I bought the chocolate mix in the produce section of Wal-Mart
by the strawberries. You microwave the chocolate, dip the
strawberries and put them on waxed paper to cool. The chocolate
hardens naturally. Then I put them on a tray, covered and
refrigerated overnight. They looked just as good the next day and
were definitely one of the hits of the food table. The strawberries
we got from Sam's and they were the best strawberries that I've
eaten in years!
The package
tells you exactly what to do. The only problem that I had was
towards the end of the chocolate, it gets harder to dip the
strawberries. You have to tilt the cup, and I think I
eventually combined what was left into another cup.
Book Suggestions:
I’ll Love You Forever ~ Robert Munsch
I’ll Always Love You ~ Hans Wilhelm
The Giving Tree ~ Shel Silverstein
*be sure to provide Kleenex before reading these books. :)
Cookbook: Have your students each dictate a recipe to you
of how their mom cooks something. You might ask them what’s their
favorite dish
that their mom fixes for them, then ask them how she cooks it.
Combine all the recipes into a cookbook and publish one for each
Mother’s Day Pin: Purchase enough wooden shapes for each
student to have one. (They have all kinds at craft stores such as
Michael’s, etc.) Have the students decorate them using paint,
sequins, etc. Then hotglue a pin to the back
Mother’s Day Magnet: Pour plaster of paris into chocolate
Allow to dry, then have students paint them. Hotglue a magnetic to
the back.
Hat Wall Hanging: You will need:
9"white Chinet paper plate
White Chinet paper bowl
Small white doilies
Paper ribbon--cut and folded into bows
Artificial flowers
To make the hat, glue the doily on to the plate. Then hotglue the
bowl upside-down onto the doily. Decorate using the flowers, then
add the
bow. Hotglue a hanger on the back using either a loop of ribbon, a
of pipecleaner, or a metal pull-top from a soda can.
Mother’s Day Certificate: Make a Mother’s Day Certificate
for each student by using a graphics program or clip art. On a
white piece of cardstock in the landscape form, center and write
"Happy Mother's Day 2001". Place an appropriate piece of clipart on
each side of the title for decoration.
On the left side of the page type the following text to be completed
by the student:
My mom is the most wonderful mom in the world! Her name is _______.
She’s pretty as a ______. She is _____ years old. She has _______
eyes and _______hair. She weighs ______ pounds and is ______ tall.
Her favorite food is _______. In the good old days when she was
little, she used to ______. I think Mom is funny when she ______.
But I know
she's really angry when _______. I wouldn't trade my Mom for
_______. I love my Mom because _______.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
Love, _________
Provide each student with an Ellison die-cut frame and have them
decorate it. Provide each student with a sheet of paper with a
shape the same size of the inside of the frame. Have the students
draw and color a picture of their mom on a sheet of paper making
sure that they keep their drawing only as big as the shape. Cut out
the pictures leaving about a ½ inch edge on them. Glue the pictures
onto the right side of the paper and glue the frames over them
matching up the lines to frame. Under the frame, have each student
write “My Mom”.
More flowers and a poem: The students will form flowers
using their handprints. Using the colors of choice, paint each
student’s hand with a sponge brush or use a colored stamp pad. Have
them hold all fingers together to form a tulip. Press their hands
onto construction paper or cardstock. When dry, cut out. Glue the
flowers to green pipecleaners for a stem. Provide preprinted leaves
for the students to cut out. Program
one leaf for each flower with a chore that the student will perform
for their mom. Thread leaves onto stems. Make a pot shape, but cut
out on a fold so that it has two sides and the bottom is the fold.
Glue or staple the pot on the two sides to make a pot that the
flowers can be placed in. Print out these two poems and glue one on
each side.
Happy Mother's, Day!
Pick a flower
And you will see
The job you'll pick
This week for me!
~Author Unknown
A mother's love is special...
It cannot help but show.
Like flowers in a garden,
Her love makes children grow.
~Author Unknown
You could also change this project up and insert the flowers into
either a plastic cup with a lump of playdough in the bottom for the
stems to stick into (cover with Easter grass, shredded green paper,
or excelsior) or into a small clay pot filled with potting soil or
the same treatment as the plastic cup. If using the clay pot, the
students can also paint and decorate it.
M - O - T - H - E - R
"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
A word that means the world to me.
~ Howard Johnson (c. 1915)
Keychain: Purchase Shrink Art from craft store. Trace
each students handprint onto it using a black Sharpie marker. Allow
them to color them using permanent markers. Cut out and hole punch
them. Bake according to package. Thread them onto a metal key
Butterfly Handprint and Poem:
You will need at least 3 colors of tempera paint and black.
White construction paper - brushes
Have the child open his hand and spread his fingers. The body of
the butterfly is painted in black. Start with the tip of the child's
middle finger and paint all the way to the bottom of the palm. Next
color the palm on both sides of the black line the first color. Then
paint the thumb and pinky finger with the second color. Lastly paint
the last two remaining fingers with the third color.
Next press the hand onto a piece of white construction paper. Make
sure to keep the middle finger still and move the other fingers to
expand the "wings" of the butterfly. When the paint dries you can
add antennae with a marker. Cut our butterfly and mount on a
contrasting piece of
construction paper with the following poem:
This isn't just a Butterfly
As you can plainly see.
I made it with my hand
Which is a part of me.
It comes with lots of Love
Especially to say
I hope you have a very
Happy Mother's Day
~Elaine Magud
Mother’s Day Card: This idea is for those of you who work
with feet. I’m sorry, but I draw the line here. I don’t do “feet”
projects! :) Fold
the large size construction paper in half to make a card. On the
front let the child draw his/her face. For some students, you might
want to have a pre-drawn circle there to give them a starting point.
Have the words: “I Love You” written over the head and “from my
Head” written under the head.
Trace each child's bare foot on another colored paper and cut out
toes and all. Glue to the inside of the card with the toes pointing
up forming a vase. Don’t glue each toe down and kind of ruffle them
a little for a 3D effect. Have the students draw stems and flowers
coming out of the toes! Underneath continue the message from the
cover: to my toes! Love,
So the card will read: I love you from my head to my toes!

Poem to use with any project: This poem is written to fit
with any Mother’s Day gift.
A piece of me
I give to you
I_____________ (painted a flower, made a pin, etc)
to say "I love you."
I hope you will save it
And look back someday
At the________we shared
On your special day.
~ Author Unknown
Mother’s Day Picture and Frame: Make a simple picture
frame using craft sticks. Spray paint small puzzle pieces using
different coordinating colors. Have students glue puzzle pieces
onto the frame until the craft sticks are
no longer showing. The students will draw a picture of their mom to
glue on to the back of the frame.
Mother my darling,
Mother my dear.
I love you, I love you,
Each day of the year!
Mom's Recipe for Love
Take a cup or two of laughter,
And a pinch of good advice.
Pour in patience by the bowlful,
And then stir it once or twice.
Fold in lots of hugs and kisses,
And a mother's gentle care.
Then cook it 'til it's nice and warm,
And spread it everywhere.
This can be used with a homemade recipe holder. Each student will
a bathroom size plastic solo cup. Fill the cup ¾ full of plaster of
paris. Insert one handle prong of a spring-loaded clothespin into
the plaster of paris. The spring will rest on the lip of the cup
and the other prong will be on the outside of the cup. In front of
the clip, insert the stem of a silk flower into the plaster of paris
as well. Allow to dry. Once it’s dry, a recipe card can be
inserted into the clothespin as a recipe holder. My daughter did
this in Kindergarten and I still use hers today …
and she’s 17! :)
Happy Mother’s Day to You
(tune: London Bridges)
Happy Mother's Day to you
Day to you, day to you.
Happy Mother's Day to you
I Love You.
Hugs and Kisses just for you
Just for you, just for you
Hugs and Kisses just for you
I Love You.
~ Author Unknown
We Love Mothers
We Love Mothers (Point to self and then point to heart)
Yes we do (Nod head up and down)
Yes we do
Mothers are for hugging (Hug yourself)
Mothers are for kissing (Blow a kiss to Mom)
We love you
We love you
~ Author Unknown
Mother’s Day Song
(tune: You Are My Sunshine)
I love you mommy
My dearest mommy
You make me happy
When I am sad
I want to tell you
I really love you.
When I'm with you
I am so glad!
~ Author Unknown
Mom Says
(tune: Twinkle, twinkle little star)
Sometimes, Mom says, "Don't do this,"
Sometimes, Mom says, "Don't do that,"
She still loves me, that I know.
Why? Because she tells me so.
Sometimes, Mom says, "Let's do this!"
Sometimes, Mom says, "Kiss, kiss, kiss!"
~ Author Unknown
Oh, My Mommy
(tune: Oh, My Darling Clementine)
Oh, my mommy; oh, my mommy,
Oh, my very special mom,
I want to thank you very much
For being my special mom.
~ Author Unknown
My Special Friend
(tune: Bingo)
I have a very special friend
And Mommy is her name-o.
M-O-M-M-Y, M-O-M-M-Y, M-O-M-M-Y,
And Mommy is her name-o
~ Author Unknown
I Love Mother
(tune: Frere Jacques)
I love mother, I love mother.
Yes I do, yes, I do.
All I want to say is
Happy Mother's Day!
I love you, I love you!
~ Author Unknown
I Love My Mommy
(tune: Up on the Housetop)
I love my mommy, Yessiree!
She is very good to me!
She makes me cookies and yummy treats,
That's my mom and she's real neat!
Oh, oh, oh, who wouldn't know,
Oh, oh, oh, who wouldn't know,
I love my mommy and she loves me,
That's the way it's supposed to be!
~ Author Unknown
Five Pretty Mommies
(tune: Five Little Ducks)
Five pretty mommies I once knew,
Short ones, tall ones, fair ones, too,
But the one in the middle that belongs to me...
I love her and she loves me!
~ Author Unknown
Class Mother’s Day Poem: This is a sample of a poem
written by a class. Each student dictated something about their
mom, then all the responses were typed up into this poem.
I Love My Mom
Created by the Kids in Mrs. “G’s” kindergarten
I love my mom.
She vacuums my room.
I love my mom.
She gives me good food.
I love my mom.
She kisses me good night.
I love my mom.
She washes the dishes.
I love my mom.
She takes me to special places.
I love my mom.
She makes my bed.
I love my mom.
She lets me watch television.
I love my mom.
She buys me special things to eat.
I love my mom.
She lets me play on the Play Station.
I love my mom.
She plays games with me.
I love my mom.
She watches movies with me.
I love my mom.
She plays with me.
I love my mom.
She takes care of me when I’m sick.
I love my mom.
She buys me neat things like skateboards.
I love my mom.
She hugs me when I’m sad.
I love my mom.
She says my prayers with me.
I love my mom.
She is nice to me.
I love my mom.
She is special.
I love my mom.
She loves me.
I love my mom.
Each student would be provided with a copy of the poem printed onto
colored paper. They are given the opportunity to decorate the
borders of the paper using small paper hearts.
A Special Gift: Wrap a small jewelry box and attach the
following poem with a ribbon.
This is a very special gift,
That you can never see.
The reason it's so special,
It's just for you from me.
Whenever you are lonely,
Or ever feeling blue,
You only have to hold this gift
And know I think of you.
You never can unwrap it.
Please leave the ribbon tied.
Just hold the box close to your heart,
It's filled with LOVE inside.
Magnet: Cut out a flower shape from craft foam using an
die-cut. Cut out a photo of the student to go in the center of the
flower. Allow the student to decorate the flower using sequins,
puffy paint, etc.
If you have the die-cut with the center cut out, glue the photo to
the back of the flower. Hot glue a magnet to the back.
Stirring Stick: Provide a plastic spoon for each spoon.
Dip into melted white or dark chocolate. Hold over pan until it
stops dripping. Dip into tiny sprinkles. Wrap with plastic wrap
and tie with a ribbon.
Poem for Plants: At this time of year, some teachers like
to do a unit on Plants. The following poem would be perfect for
those who like to plant flower seeds ahead of time to grow a plant
for Mother’s Day:
You Take Care Of Me
You take care of me, like a tender young plant.
You give me good roots.
You feed me.
You give me water each day.
You let me out into the sunshine.
When I go to places, you make sure it's
the right environment for me to grow.
You weed out the bad things.
Someday I will grow strong
and blossom into an adult.
Thank you for nurturing me.
~ Author Unknown
You can glue cute Mothers' Day clipart to craft sticks to put in the
You sew the buttons
on my clothes,
You give me a hanky
for my nose.
You make
good things
for me to eat,
You buy me candy
for a treat.
You mend my clothes
and wash my socks...
Dear Mom.
I love you
Lots and lots!
~ Author Unknown
Hug for Mother's Day: Cut a strip of white bulletin board
paper about
6 inches wide and the length of child's arm span. Paint both hands
and press on either end of paper with the fingers pointing out.
When dry, cut around each hand for definition. Glue poem in center
and have child write Happy Mother's Day on one side and sign the
other. Roll paper into a scroll and tie w/ ribbon
Here's a happy Hug-A-Bunch
Wrap it 'round & feel the crunch
May smiles & kisses come your way
With lots of love on Mothers' Day
Thumbprint stationery: Have students make their
thumbprints around the border of the paper using the appropriate
color ink. Use a Sharpie marker to add details for flowers,
ladybugs, apples, caterpillars, etc.
Silhouette Poem:
Wanda shared this beautiful poem today online and gave me permission
to post it here. She wrote it 18 years ago when her own child
was in kindergarten. It goes with the very familiar silhouette
project. I remember my 3rd grade teacher doing silhouettes
with us way back when! :) If you're not familiar with the
project, you sit the child down in front of a piece of paper
(usually black) that has been taped to the wall. Place a
strong light on the opposite side of the child from the wall.
With the light on, the child's profile silhouette should be
projected onto the black paper. Trace around the silhouette
and then cut out.
Mama's Shadow
When I was a kid (you know, last year)
I was like your shadow, always near.
While learning what the world was about
I followed your footsteps day in and day out.
There were so many things I wanted to know.
You answered my questions and helped me to grow.
All too soon Mama I will be grown
And making my way in this world on my own.
When you remember the good times we had
And wish I was with you, don't be sad.
Just stand by this picture and pretend
That I am your shadow once again.
~Wanda Atkinson
My husband's
aunt has silhouettes of each of her 3 children. They look to
be done by the same person (maybe even professionally). They
are smaller than normal, about 5 x7 framed. She has them
nicely matted and framed and hung together. They look very
nice hung in her living area.
Thanks again
Wanda for sharing your beautiful poem with us! :)
Dear Mommy,
I think of all
The things you do,
And then I know
Why I love you.
You make me breakfast,
You wash my clothes,
You take me places
I want to go.
You teach me things,
You read to me.
You help me become
What I want to be.
You sing me songs,
You hold me tight.
You hold my hand
In the dark, at night.
In all the world
I know it¹s true,
There is no mommy
Just like you!
~ Author Unknown
Mother, Mom, Mama
Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in
an, often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent
communication and organizational skills and be willing to work
variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and
frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required,
including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and
endless sports tournaments in far away cities. Travel expenses not
reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The rest of your life. Must be willing to be
hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5. Must be willing
to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina
of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three
seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are
not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating
technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously
sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must Screen phone calls,
maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework
projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings
for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be
indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next. Must handle
assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic
toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best
but prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete
accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities
also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the
ADVANCEMENT & PROMOTION: Virtually none. Your job is to remain in
the same position for years, without complaining, constantly
retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge
can ultimately surpass you.
EXPERIENCE: None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered
on a continually exhausting basis.
COMPENSATION: Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and
bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the
assumption that college will help them become financially
independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The
oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually
enjoy it and wish you could only do more.
no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement,
no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies
limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for life
if you play your cards right.
~ Author Unknown
(tune: Mary Had
a Little Lamb)
Mothers make a
home sweet home,
Home sweet home, home sweet home.
Mothers make a home sweet home,
And fill it up with love.
Mothers give us lots of love,
Lots of love, lots of love.
Mothers give us lots of love,
With hugs and kisses, too.
~Author Unknown
Vase: Someone
needed ideas for painting plastic bottles to be used as a vase with
tissue flowers. Here's my answer.
It may be hard to get paint to stick to plastic, but there is a
waterproof craft paint that you can purchase. I used it for
painting terra cotta pots several years ago and the paint is still
on them. I don't know the exact name, but it's an indoor/outdoor
paint that's with the craft paints (like the acrylic and fabric
Another idea would be to make textured vases by having students
cover the whole bottle with short pieces of masking tape. Then you
paint over the tape. You can also use brown shoe polish to go over
it for a leather look.
As for the flowers, use coffee filters. Have students color
them with pastel or bright colored washable markers (but don't
color them solid and be sure not to make a hole in them) and then
spray them with a water bottle. The colors will bleed together.
Once they're dry, pinch the centers of one or two of them together
and twist. Then wind a pipecleaner around the part that you
pinched and form a stem. Leaves can even be cut from green
construction paper and added to the stem by threading the stem
through the leaf.
Candle & Poem:
Wende shared this cute Mother's Day idea and generously gave
permission for me to share it with you.
For Mother's
Day, we melted down old crayons and made ice candles in milk
cartons. We put ice in milk cartons, then pour in hot wax (I do
this, of course). We used birthday candles for wicks. Make a shallow
layer of wax to hold up the candle before adding ice and the rest of
the wax). Then I
made up this poem to put in our cards...
We took our crayons and cleaned them,
Then sorted them by hue.
We broke them up and heated them down,
Especially for you.
And every time you light this candle,
I hope you'll think of me.
And how I light your world each day.
Just like you do for me.
~ Wende Dickey

Mother’s Day Links:
Mother's Day Central
Mother’s Day Gifts
Mother’s Day Themes and Activities for
Mother's Day on the Net - Welcome
Happy Mother's Day- Kids' Exchange
1st SPOT Mother’s Day
Nuttin’ But Kids Mother’s Day Page
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Mother’s Day Clip Art, Recipes, and
Origin of Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Poems
Mother’s Day Ideas for Older Kids from
Pro-teacher! Seasonal and Holiday
Activities for May
Holidays Mothers Day
Celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
Printable Mother’s Day Gift Box
Lesson Exchange: Bath Salts Recipe for
Mother’s Day Gift
Teacher’s Net Meeting: Early
Little Giraffes
Poems About
Mothers and for Mother's Day
Mother's Day
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Mother's Day
Mother's Day
Project - Plant A Little Sunshine
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April 2001
Last Updated 6.17.08
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