Information provided on this page is for classroom use only; not for publication. 2004 |
The 100th Day of School for my class will be held on Thurs. I fudged it a little (one day) because I'm going to be out that day, so I wanted to have it where the substitute could do this fun day with them. It won't be too strenuous so that she'll feel overloaded. Here's what they'll be doing ... 100th Day of School Activities Read The 100th Day of School Make 100th Day crown
Wear 100 glasses (purchased from Really Good Stuff catalog)
100 Words Chart (ten words in ten categories): Names, Books, Candy Bars, Beverages, Foods, Animals, Colors, Sight Words, words that rhyme with “at”, Numbers Read One Hundred Hungry Ants Count to 100 Count 100 pennies and trade in each group of 10 for a dime. Then count dimes by 10 to 100. String 100 Fruit Loops onto yarn for a necklace. Put together 100 piece puzzle Estimate which jar has 100 popcorn kernels: A, B, or C. Complete chart: (Child’s name) would like 100 _____. Put 100 gingerbread men in order and staple them together. Count by 5s to 100 Divide 100 pieces of candy evenly amongst themselves to carry home for souvenir along with 100th Day sticker (also purchased from Really Good Stuff) Read From One to One Hundred Listening Center: Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten Read I Can count 100 Bunnies In the past I've set up stations and each student had a ticket copied on cardstock that they wore around their neck. As they visited each station I hole-punched their ticket.
100 Shape Book: Each student gets pages to make a 100 shape book. Each page is programmed with something for them to complete such as "I would like to have 100 ...", "I wouldn't like to have 100 ...", "If I had 100 ___, I would ____.", "When I'm 100 years old I will look like ..." . Each student draws or writes to complete their page, cuts out the pages and they're stapled together to create their book. When I Am 100 Years Old I Will Be ... : Karla Neumann shared that each child draws a picture of what they will look like when they are 100 years old. They need to use crayon and kind of press hard when doing the drawing. Then, they crumple the paper and open it. Repeat procedure several times. They love that part. For their writing assignment, they complete the sentence starter, When I am 100 years old, I will be... The writing is then glued to the bottom of their picture. She hangs these on the wall outside her classroom. She says people just love to read their responses. Some of the responses were ... a girl wrote that she will be in heaven, a boy wrote that he will be in a wheelchair and another boy wrote that he will be old. Books: The 100th Day of School by Angela Medearis One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes From One to One Hundred by Teri Sloat Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten by Joseph Slate I Can Count 100 Bunnies by Cyndy Szekeres
Emily's First 100 Days
of School by Rosemary Wells Fluffy's 100th Day at School by Kate McMullan
100 Days of Cool by Stuart J. Murphy
100 Days of School by Trudy Harris
100 Monsters in My School by Bonnie Bader
100 School Days by
Anne Rockwell
The 100th Day by Grace
The 100th Day of
School by Angela Shelf Medearis
100th Day Worries by
Margery Cuyler The Wolf's Chicken Stew by Keiko Kaska
* some book titles contributed by Carol Links: Teach Now: 100th Day of School
The 100th Day of School website
100th Day of School Celebration
100th Day of School - A to Z Themes and Thematic Units
One Hundred Days
Activities for the book Emily's First 100 Days of School
Math/100th Day
Day 100
100 Days of School
100 Days of School Activities
Celebrate the 100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100 Days of School
100th Day of School Ideas
100th Day of School
100th Day Activities
100th Day of School Activities
100th Day of School Activities
Kindergarten Kafe - Dec 1998/Jan 1999
Kinderhome: 100th Day Activities
100th Day of School,1872,23847-107973-26-17615,00.html
Celebrate the 100th Day in 100 Ways
100 Chart - Fill in the blanks printable
100 Number Chart printable
100th Day of Kindergarten
100 Days (with 100 dollar bill printable) * note: be careful with this. I was told several years back that its' illegal to copy/print legal tender. If you add your students' pictures, make it really large, or something similar to make it really noticeable that it isn't legal tender it should be ok.